

Berry Free Angular Bootstrap Admin Template Tweet

License: MIT Price GitHub package version

Berry is a free angular admin dashboard template built with Angular and latest Bootstrap 5. It is meant to provide the best possible User Experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages. It is a complete Dashboard Template that has easy and intuitive responsive design whether it is viewed on retina screens or laptops.

:star: :star: :star: Do not forget to star (Top right of this page) it if you like the theme :star: :star: :star:


Pro version of Berry Angular Dashboard template contains features like TypeScript, Apps, Authentication Methods (i.e. JWT), Advance Components, Form Plugins, Layouts, Widgets, and many more.

Berry FreeBerry
9 Demo pages45+ demo pages
-✓ Multi-language
-✓ Dark/Light Mode 🌓
-✓ TypeScript version
-✓ Design files (Figma)
-✓ 6+ color Options
-✓ RTL
-✓ JWT authentications
-More components

Why Berry?

Berry offers everything you need to create dashboards. We have included the following high-end features in our initial release:

Free Berry Angular version

Berry Pro version

Table of contents

Getting Started

  1. Clone from Github
git clone https://github.com/codedthemes/berry-free-angular-admin-template.git
  1. Install packages
  1. Run project
yarn start


Berry Angular Documentation helps you with installation, deployment, and troubleshooting.

Technology Stack


Berry is developed by Team CodedThemes.


To report a bug, please submit an issue on Github. We will respond as soon as possible to resolve the issue.


Berry - React version

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