


what's new

  1. aurelia-animator-velocity now part of aurelia-amd-bundler including velocity and jsol dependencies

steps to bundle

  1. if you've run before and you want a fresh build of the latest aurelia bits, remove the `` folder
  2. remove the bower_components folder
  3. open git bash shell
  4. run ``
  5. bundle
  6. if you are doing a fresh build: run ./fresh-build.sh
  7. if you are updating the bundle: run ./update-build.sh
  8. install node
  9. install bower (run npm install -g bower)


nav 01

  1. open git bash shell

  2. install node.js

  3. install bower

  4. change to aurelia-require-bundle folder

  5. get the latest aurelia libraries

    run bower install

  6. have a look at the bundling dependencies

  1. bundle the files for development

    run node r.js -o name=aurelia-bundle-manifest baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=main-config.js out=aurelia-bundle.js optimize=none

  2. bundle the files for production (minified)

    run node r.js -o name=aurelia-bundle-manifest baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=main-config.js out=aurelia-bundle.min.js