

Diego Design Notes

These are design notes intended to convey how the various components of Diego communicate and interrelate. It is not comprehensive and is generally up-to-date, although not guaranteed to be. If you find something that you suspect is not up-to-date, please open an issue on this repository.

Migrating to Diego

We've put together some guidelines around transitioning applications off of the DEAs and on to Diego. One reason to move your apps to Diego is to try out SSH access to your CF app instances and Diego LRPs.

What does Diego do?

Diego schedules and runs Tasks and Long-Running Processes:

Clients submit, update, and retrieve Tasks and LRPs to the BBS (Bulletin Board System) via an RPC-style API over HTTP. Diego's Auctioneer optimally distributes Tasks and LRPs to the cluster of Diego Cells via an Auction that queries and then sends work to the Cell Reps. Once the auction assigns a Task or LRP to a Cell, the Executor creates a Garden container and executes the work encoded in the Task/LRP. This work is encoded as a generic, platform-independent recipe of composable actions.

The BBS also provides a real-time representation of the state of the Diego cluster (including all desired LRPs, running LRP instances, and in-flight Tasks). The Converger periodically analyzes snapshots of this representation and corrects discrepancies, ensuring that Diego is eventually consistent.

Diego sends real-time streaming logs for Tasks/LRPs to the Loggregator system. Diego also registers its running LRP instances with the Gorouter to route external web traffic to them.

Diego is the next-generation runtime powering Cloud Foundry (CF), but Diego is abstracted away from CF: CF simply acts as another Diego client via the BBS API. For now, there is a translation layer called the CC-Bridge that converts the Cloud Controller's domain-specific requests to stage and run applications into requests for Tasks and LRPs. Eventually Cloud Controller will be modified to communicate directly with the BBS. The process of staging and running a CF application is complex and filled with platform and implementation-specific details. A collection of binaries known collectively as the App Lifecycle encapsulate these concerns. The Tasks and LRPs produced by the CC-Bridge download the App Lifecycle binaries and execute them to stage, to run, and to health-check CF applications.

CF Summit Talks on Diego

What are all these repos and what do they do?

Below is a diagrammatic overview of the major repositories and components in Diego and CF (also PDF · clickable map).

Diego Overview

Components in the blue region are part of the Diego core and handle the running and monitoring of Tasks and LRPs. These components all come from the Diego BOSH release.

Components in the yellow region provide infrastructure support to Diego and CF components. At the moment, this primarily includes Consul for DNS-based dynamic service discovery and a consistent key-value store for distributed locks and component discovery.

Components in the orange region support routing HTTP traffic to Diego containers. This includes the Route-Emitter from Diego and the Gorouter from CF.

Components in the red region support log and metric aggregation from Diego containers and CF and Diego components.

The green region brings in Cloud Controller and the CC-Bridge. As the diagram shows, the CC-Bridge merely interfaces with the BBS, translating app-specific messages from the CC to the more generic language of Tasks and LRPs.

The following summarizes the roles and responsibilities of the various components in this diagram.

"User-facing" Components

These "user-facing" components all live in cf-release:

Developers typically interact with CC and the logging system through a client such as the CF CLI.

CC-Bridge Components

The CC-Bridge components interact with the Cloud Controller. They serve primarily to translate app-specific notions into the more general notions of LRPs and Tasks:

Many of the CC-Bridge components are inherently stateless and will eventually be consolidated into Cloud Controller itself.

Components on the Database VMs

The Database VMs provide Diego's core components and clients a consistent API to the shared state and operations that manage Tasks and LRPs, as well as the data store for that shared state.

The BBS requires a backing persistent data store. MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported on current versions, and historically etcd was supported through Diego v1.0.

Components on the Cell

These Diego components run and monitor Tasks and LRPs in Garden containers:

Note that there is a specificity gradient across the Rep, the Executor, and Garden. The Rep is concerned with Tasks and LRPs and knows details about their lifecycles. The Executor knows only how to manage a collection of containers and to run actions in these containers. Garden knows nothing about actions and simply provides a concrete implementation of a platform-specific containerization technology that can run arbitrary commands in containers.

Components on the Brain

Components on the Access VMs

Routing Translation Components

Service Registration and Component Coordination

Platform-Specific Components

Diego is largely platform-agnostic. All platform-specific concerns are delegated to two types of components: the garden backends and the app lifecycles.

Garden Backends

Garden contains a set of interfaces each platform-specific backend must implement. These interfaces contain methods to perform the following actions:

Current implementations:

App Lifecycles

Each App Lifecycle provides a set of binaries that manage a Cloud Foundry-specific application lifecycle. There are three binaries:

Current implementations:

Bringing it all together

CF and Diego consist of many disparate components. Ensuring that these components work together correctly is a challenge addressed by these entities:

The BOSH Release

Diego-Release packages Diego as a BOSH release. Its README includes detailed instructions for deploying CF and Diego to a local BOSH-Lite.

Diego-Release is also the canonical GOPATH for the Diego. All Diego development takes place inside the Diego-Release directory.