

Cloud Foundry Diego (BOSH release) slack.cloudfoundry.org

This repository is a BOSH release for deploying Diego and associated tasks for testing a Diego deployment. Diego is the new container runtime system for Cloud Foundry, replacing the DEAs and Health Manager.

This release depends on external services such as a relational database (either MySQL or Postgres) for data storage and Consul or BOSH DNS for inter-component service discovery. It also integrates with NATS to register routes to applications and Loggregator to emit application logs and Diego component metrics. In practice, these dependencies typically come from cf-deployment.

The Diego Design Notes present an overview of Diego, and links to the various Diego components.

Table of Contents

  1. Diego Operator Resources
    1. Deploying Diego-Backed Cloud Foundry
    2. Deployment Examples
    3. Deployment Requirements and Constraints
    4. Configuration at Scale
    5. Security Configuration
    6. Data Store Configuration
    7. Component Coordination
    8. Monitoring and Inspection
  2. CF App Developer Resources
  3. Diego Contributor Resources

<a name="diego-operator-resources"></a>Diego Operator Resources

<a name="deploying-diego-backed-cloud-foundry"></a>Deploying Diego-Backed Cloud Foundry

Diego is typically deployed as part of a Cloud Foundry Application Runtime deployment to serve as its container runtime. The cf-deployment repository contains the latest recommended way to use BOSH to deploy a Cloud Foundry cluster to infrastructure platforms such as AWS, GCP, and Azure.

<a name="deployment-examples"></a>Deployment Examples

Deploying to BOSH-Lite

<a name="deployment-requirements-constraints"></a>Deployment Requirements and Constraints

<a name="configuration-at-scale"></a> Configuration at Scale

<a name="security-configuration"></a>Security Configuration

<a name="data-store-configuration"></a>Data Store Configuration

<a name="component-coordination"></a>Component Coordination

<a name="monitoring-inspection"></a>Monitoring and Inspection

<a name="cf-app-developer-resources"></a>CF App Developer Resources

<a name="diego-contributor-resources"></a>Diego Contributor Resources

See the Contributing.md for more information on how to contribute.