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Yet anOther URDF parser for Python. Yup, it's another one. Deal with it.

Yourdfpy is a simpler and easier-to-use library for loading, manipulating, validating, saving, and visualizing URDF files.


You can install yourdfpy directly from pip:

pip install yourdfpy


Once installed, you can visualize a URDF model from the command line:

yourdfpy ./my_description/urdf/robot.urdf

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to inspect your model:

But why another one?!?

Why are you wasting not only your but also our time? you might ask. Fair point. There are already urdfpy and urdf_parser_py that deal with URDFs. Unfortunately, none of these solutions allow customizable URDF parsing that is fully independent of validation and mesh loading. Dealing with filenames, outdated dependencies, open bug reports, and limited flexibility when it comes to serialization are other disadvantages. As shown in the table below, yourdfpy is the most robust one when it comes to loading URDFs in the wild.

Example URDFs

Decouple parsing from validation:heavy_check_mark:
Decouple parsing from loading meshes:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Visualize URDF:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Forward Kinematics:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Robustness test: loading 12 URDF files from here4/126/1212/12
Avg. loading time per file (w/ mesh loading)480 ms370 ms
(w/o mesh loading)3.2 ms6.2 ms
Test on 4 URDF files on which urdfpy succeeds347.5 ms203 ms
Test on 6 URDF files on which urdf_parser_py succeeds2.6 ms3.8 ms
<details> <summary>Click to expand code listing that produces the above table entries.</summary>
robot_assets = ['robot-assets/urdfs/robots/barret_hand/bhand_model.URDF', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/robotiq_gripper/robotiq_arg85_description.URDF', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/anymal/anymal.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/franka_panda/panda.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/ginger_robot/gingerurdf.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/halodi/eve_r3.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/kinova/kinova.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/kuka_iiwa/model.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/pr2/pr2.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/ur10/ur10_robot.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/ur5/ur5_gripper.urdf', 'robot-assets/urdfs/robots/yumi/yumi.urdf']

import urdfpy
import urdf_parser_py
import yourdfpy

from functools import partial

def load_urdfs(fnames, load_fn):
    results = {fname: None for fname in fnames}
    for fname in fnames:
            x = load_fn(fname)
            results[fname] = x
            print("Problems loading: ", fname)
    print(sum([1 for x, y in results.items() if y is not None]), "/", len(fnames))
    return results

# parsing success rate
load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdfpy.URDF.load)
load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdf_parser_py.urdf.URDF.load)
load_urdfs(robot_assets, yourdfpy.URDF.load)

# parsing times
%timeit load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdfpy.URDF.load)
%timeit load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdf_parser_py.urdf.URDF.load)
%timeit load_urdfs(robot_assets, yourdfpy.URDF.load)
%timeit load_urdfs(robot_assets, partial(yourdfpy.URDF.load, load_meshes=False, build_scene_graph=False))

# fairer comparison with yourdfpy
urdfpy_fnames = [x for x, y in load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdfpy.URDF.load).items() if y is not None]
%timeit load_urdfs(urdfpy_fnames, yourdfpy.URDF.load)

# fairer comparison with urdf_parser_py
urdfparser_fnames = [x for x, y in load_urdfs(robot_assets, urdf_parser_py.urdf.URDF.from_xml_file).items() if y is not None]
%timeit load_urdfs(urdfparser_fnames, functools.partial(yourdfpy.URDF.load, load_meshes=False, build_scene_graph=False))
</details> <!-- # Visualization cam_rot = s.camera_transform robot_assets = glob.glob('/data/robot-assets/urdfs/robots/**/*.urdf') for i, fname in enumerate(robot_assets): try: s = yourdfpy.URDF.load(fname).scene cam_T = s.camera.look_at(points=s.convex_hull.vertices, rotation=cam_rot) # distance=2.6 s.camera_transform = cam_T png = s.save_image() with open(f"/tmp/test{i:02}.png", 'wb') as f: f.write(png) except Exception as e: print(e) ~/crop_image_horizontal.sh /tmp/test*png montage /tmp/test*png -geometry +50+0 -tile x1 /tmp/montage_geom.jpg --> <!-- How to deploy git tag -l rm dist/* rm -rf build/ # https://pyscaffold.org/en/latest/faq.html#version-faq git gui # commit something? git tag v<semver> git push origin main git push origin <tag_name> # This should not be needed, since travis-ci does the pypi deployment python setup.py bdist_wheel twine upload -r testpypi dist/* python -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple yourdfpy==v<semver> twine upload dist/* -->