


This repository provides information and links to GNU/GCC toolchains synchronized with real-time-cpp. They can be used (among other purposes) for building the reference application (ref_app) for embedded targets and the examples on Win* and/or *nix.

Supported Toolchain Targets

GCC targetlocation
arm-none-eabiARM(R) GNU Toolchain
x86_64-w64-mingw32nuwen distro

Further details

The references usually include GNU/GCC toolchains built to run on Win* and also toolchains built to run on *nix (and maybe others). The Win* versions, in particular, can be used by developers who optionally run the builds in the real-time-cpp repository on Win* batches or in Microsoft(R) VisualStudio(R). Other standalone uses for any of these toolchains are, of course, possible.

The toolchains are typically completely moveable, entirely dependency-free (no DLLs), and built to run out-of-the-box.

Finding/Extracting the GNU/GCC Toolchains

Consult the links for the relevant toolchain(s) either in the table above or in the ref_app/tools/Util/msys64/usr/local directory.

Consider, for instance, the gcc-avr toolchain. It available in the release(s) of ckormanyos/avr-gcc-build.

The entire content of the relevant toolchain's directory are intended to be moved or copied to the corresponding ref_app folder in real-time-cpp.

In steps:

These steps are depicted in the images below.

Move or Copy tools

<kbd><img src="./images/move_copy_tools.jpg" /></kbd>

Populate Toolchain

<kbd><img src="./images/popuate_gcc_tools.jpg" /></kbd>

Using GNU/GCC Toolchains in the ref_app VS Solution

With the toolchain(s) and tools in place, we are now ready to build with MSVC.

The GNU/GCC toolchains harmonize for use with the real-time-cpp repository.