


windows-msvc-build Actions Status windows-mingw-build Actions Status ubuntu-gcc-build Actions Status macosx-clang-build Actions Status

<!-- [![pvs-studio Actions Status](https://github.com/Chukobyte/crescent/workflows/pvs-studio/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Chukobyte/crescent/actions) -->

package-and-deploy Actions Status

<p align="center"> <a href="https://chukobyte.github.io/crescent"> <img src="assets/images/logo_2_enlarged.png" width="334" alt="Crescent Engine logo"> </a> </p>

A work in progress fighting and beat em up game engine for windows, linux, and macos with the core written in C11. To get an idea of what's planned and what's actively in development checkout the project page. There is also documentation (not complete) which can be found here.

Technically any game type will be able to be made with the engine. But these are the primary types the engine will target:

Tech Stack


Supports windows, linux, and macos builds at the moment. Crescent engine uses cmake to build. PVS-Studio is used as a static analyzer for C and C++ code and has it's own github workflow that is triggered automatically with every commit to main and pull request.


Crescent officially supports and is actively tested with the following compilers.


Linux (Ubuntu):


Example of running on command line in the project source directory:

cmake .
cmake --build .