


A PHP QR Code generator based on the implementation by Kazuhiko Arase, namespaced, cleaned up, improved and other stuff. <br> It also features a QR Code reader based on a PHP port of the ZXing library.

Attention: there is now also a javascript port: @chillerlan/js-qrcode.

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For the QR Code reader, either ext-gd or ext-imagick is required!


Important: Please use the examples from the branch that matches your installed php-qrcode version ( v4.x, v5.x, dev-main )!

Installation with composer

See the installation guide for more info!


composer require chillerlan/php-qrcode


	"require": {
		"php": "^8.2",
		"chillerlan/php-qrcode": "dev-main#<commit_hash>"

Note: replace dev-main with a version constraint, e.g. ^5.0 - see releases for valid versions.


We want to encode this URI for a mobile authenticator into a QRcode image:

$data = 'otpauth://totp/test?secret=B3JX4VCVJDVNXNZ5&issuer=chillerlan.net';

// quick and simple:
echo '<img src="'.(new QRCode)->render($data).'" alt="QR Code" />';

Wait, what was that? Please again, slower! See Advanced usage in the manual. Also, have a look in the examples folder for some more usage examples.

<p align="center"> <img alt="QR codes are awesome!" style="width: auto; height: 530px;" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chillerlan/php-qrcode/main/.github/images/example.svg"> </p>

Reading QR Codes

Using the built-in QR Code reader is pretty straight-forward:

// it's generally a good idea to wrap the reader in a try/catch block because it WILL throw eventually
	$result = (new QRCode)->readFromFile('path/to/file.png'); // -> DecoderResult

	// you can now use the result instance...
	$content = $result->data;
	$matrix  = $result->getMatrix(); // -> QRMatrix

	// ...or simply cast it to string to get the content:
	$content = (string)$result;
catch(Throwable $e){
	// oopsies!

Shameless advertising

Hi, please check out some of my other projects that are way cooler than qrcodes!


I don't take responsibility for molten CPUs, misled applications, failed log-ins etc.. Use at your own risk!

License notice

Trademark Notice

The word "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED<br> https://www.qrcode.com/en/faq.html#patentH2Title