

React Native Resources

This guide lists all the resources required to build React native apps, learn and stay up to date.

:books: Documentions:

:books: Guides:

:tv: Useful Youtube Channels

:eyes: Twitter Accounts To Follow

:boom: Icons

:art: UI Libraries

   Several different UI libraries to use

:dancer: Animations

:compass: Navigation

    The most used navigation libraries to move to new screens and add header, tab bars, etc. React Navigation is the most used one.

:framed_picture: Images

:sparkles: Linting and Styling

:test_tube: Testing

   Different testing libraries for react native.

:factory: CI/CD

    Different CI/CD tools for React native apps.

:newspaper: Analytics, Performace, and Crash Reports

:hammer_and_pick: Tools

:globe_with_meridians: Internationalization

:scroll: Fast Performance Lists

When your list becomes bigger, these libraries help your list scroll smoothly and your list items load faster.

:chart: Graphs and Visualizations

Different chart libraries for react native.

Please feel free to contribute to this list by opening a PR.