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This is a high performance listview for React Native and Web with support for complex layouts. JS only with no native dependencies, inspired by both RecyclerView on Android and UICollectionView on iOS.

npm install --save recyclerlistview

For latest beta:
npm install --save recyclerlistview@beta

Note: Documentation will be upgraded soon, for now check code comments for clarity and exploring features. This component is actively tested with React Native Web as well.

Overview and features

RecyclerListView uses "cell recycling" to reuse views that are no longer visible to render items instead of creating new view objects. Creation of objects is very expensive and comes with a memory overhead which means as you scroll through the list the memory footprint keeps going up. Releasing invisible items off memory is another technique but that leads to creation of even more objects and lot of garbage collections. Recycling is the best way to render infinite lists that does not compromise performance or memory efficiency.

Apart from all performance benefits RecyclerListView comes with great features out of the box:


RecyclerListView was built with performance in mind which means no blanks while quick scrolls or frame drops. RecyclerListView encourages you to have deterministic heights for items you need to render. This does not mean that you need to have all items of same height and stuff, all you need is a way to look at the data and compute height upfront so that RecyclerListView can compute layout in one pass rather than waiting for the draw to happen. You can still do all sorts of GridViews and ListViews with different types of items which are all recycled in optimal ways. Type based recycling is very easy to do and comes out of the box.

In case you cannot determine heights of items in advance just set forceNonDeterministicRendering prop to true on RecyclerListView. Now, it will treat given dimensions as estimates and let items resize. Try to give good estimates to improve experience.


Production Flipkart Grocery Demo Video (or try the app): https://youtu.be/6YqEqP3MmoU
Infinite Loading/View Change (Expo): https://snack.expo.io/@naqvitalha/rlv-demo
Mixed ViewTypes: https://snack.expo.io/B1GYad52b
extendedState,stableIDs and ItemAnimator (Expo): https://snack.expo.io/@arunreddy10/19bb8e
Sample project: https://github.com/naqvitalha/travelMate
Web Sample (Using RNW): https://codesandbox.io/s/k54j2zx977, https://jolly-engelbart-8ff0d0.netlify.com/
Context Preservation Sample: https://github.com/naqvitalha/recyclerlistview-context-preservation-demo

Other Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnv4HMmPgMc

Watch Video


PropRequiredParams TypeDescription
layoutProviderYesBaseLayoutProviderConstructor function that defines the layout (height / width) of each element
dataProviderYesDataProviderConstructor function the defines the data for each element
contextProviderNoContextProviderUsed to maintain scroll position in case view gets destroyed, which often happens with back navigation
rowRendererYes(type: string | number, data: any, index: number) => JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] | nullMethod that returns react component to be rendered. You get the type, data, index and extendedState of the view in the callback
initialOffsetNonumberInitial offset you want to start rendering from; This is very useful if you want to maintain scroll context across pages.
renderAheadOffsetNonumberspecify how many pixels in advance you want views to be rendered. Increasing this value can help reduce blanks (if any). However, keeping this as low as possible should be the intent. Higher values also increase re-render compute
isHorizontalNobooleanIf true, the list will operate horizontally rather than vertically
onScrollNorawEvent: ScrollEvent, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) => voidOn scroll callback function that executes as a user scrolls
onRecreateNo(params: OnRecreateParams) => voidcallback function that gets executed when recreating the recycler view from context provider
externalScrollViewNo{ new (props: ScrollViewDefaultProps): BaseScrollView }Use this to pass your on implementation of BaseScrollView
onEndReachedNo() => voidCallback function executed when the end of the view is hit (minus onEndThreshold if defined)
onEndReachedThresholdNonumberSpecify how many pixels in advance for the onEndReached callback
onEndReachedThresholdRelativeNonumberSpecify how far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the list must be from the end of the content to trigger the onEndReached callback
onVisibleIndicesChangedNoTOnItemStatusChangedProvides visible index; helpful in sending impression events
onVisibleIndexesChangedNoTOnItemStatusChanged(Deprecated in 2.0 beta) Provides visible index; helpful in sending impression events
renderFooterNo() => JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] | nullProvide this method if you want to render a footer. Helpful in showing a loader while doing incremental loads
initialRenderIndexNonumberSpecify the initial item index you want rendering to start from. Preferred over initialOffset if both specified
scrollThrottleNonumberiOS only; Scroll throttle duration
canChangeSizeNobooleanSpecify if size can change
distanceFromWindowNonumber(Depricated) Use applyWindowCorrection() API with windowShift. Usage?
applyWindowCorrectionNo(offset: number, windowCorrection: WindowCorrection) => void(Enhancement/replacement to distanceFromWindow API) Allows updation of the visible windowBounds to based on correctional values passed. User can specify windowShift; in case entire RecyclerListWindow needs to shift down/up, startCorrection; in case when top window bound needs to be shifted for e.x. top window bound to be shifted down is a content overlapping the top edge of RecyclerListView, endCorrection: to alter bottom window bound for a similar use-case. Usage?
useWindowScrollNobooleanWeb only; Layout Elements in window instead of a scrollable div
disableRecyclingNobooleanTurns off recycling
forceNonDeterministicRenderingNobooleanDefault is false; if enabled dimensions provided in layout provider will not be strictly enforced. Use this if item dimensions cannot be accurately determined
extendedStateNoobjectIn some cases the data passed at row level may not contain all the info that the item depends upon, you can keep all other info outside and pass it down via this prop. Changing this object will cause everything to re-render. Make sure you don't change it often to ensure performance. Re-renders are heavy.
itemAnimatorNoItemAnimatorEnables animating RecyclerListView item cells (shift, add, remove, etc)
styleNoobjectTo pass down style to inner ScrollView
scrollViewPropsNoobjectFor all props that need to be proxied to inner/external scrollview. Put them in an object and they'll be spread and passed down.
layoutSizeNoDimensionWill prevent the initial empty render required to compute the size of the listview and use these dimensions to render list items in the first render itself. This is useful for cases such as server side rendering. The prop canChangeSize has to be set to true if the size can be changed after rendering. Note that this is not the scroll view size and is used solely for layouting.
onItemLayoutNonumberA callback function that is executed when an item of the recyclerListView (at an index) has been layout. This can also be used as a proxy to itemsRendered kind of callbacks.
windowCorrectionConfigNoobjectUsed to specify is window correction config and whether it should be applied to some scroll events

For full feature set have a look at prop definitions of RecyclerListView (bottom of the file). All ScrollView features like RefreshControl also work out of the box.

applyWindowCorrection usage

applyWindowCorrection is used to alter the visible window bounds of the RecyclerListView dynamically. The windowCorrection of RecyclerListView along with the current scroll offset are exposed to the user. The windowCorrection object consists of 3 numeric values:

As seen in the example below

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Typescript works out of the box. The only execption is with the inherited Scrollview props. In order for Typescript to work with inherited Scrollview props, you must place said inherited Scrollview props within the scrollViewProps prop.

    refreshControl: (
        onRefresh={async () => {
          this.setState({ loading: true });
          await refetchQueue();
          this.setState({ loading: false });



Apache v2.0

Contact Us

Please open issues for any bugs that you encounter. You can reach out to me on twitter @naqvitalha or, write to cross-platform@flipkart.com for any questions that you might have.