

npx create-react-native-dapp

<p align="center"> <img src="public/logo.png" width="100" /> </p>

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create-react-native-dapp is an npx utility to help quickly bootstrap React Native ⚛️ applications with access to the Ethereum Blockchain.

Our goal is to help create a sustainable open source ecosystem for Web3 in React Native by providing a dependable common runtime which we can buidl upon and extend together.

Watch us shill create-react-native-dapp here.

🔥 Features

To get started,

First, please make sure you've logged into expo-cli.

npm install -g expo-cli
npx create-react-native-dapp

This will walk you through the creation of your Ethereum-enabled application, which works on Android, iOS and the Web.

To start the app, you can:

cd my-react-dapp
yarn ios # android, web

✌️ License