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This repository provides a 3D Brain Segmentation Pipeline for a structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan using the Catalyst framework using the Mindboggle Dataset as an example. It also provides pre-trained models for Gray Matter White Matter (GMWM) segmentation, 104 class brain atlas segmentation, and 31 class brain atlas segmentation and with usage shown in example notebooks. Segmenting a structural MRI is an important processing step that enables subsequent inferences about tissue changes in development, aging, and disease. This work is based on the following papers: An (almost) instant brain atlas segmentation for large-scale studies and End-to-end learning of brain tissue segmentation from imperfect labeling.

Developed in a partnership with

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Brain image analysis


Pretrained Model Statistics

ModelClasses# of Brains (Training)# of Brains (Validation)# of Brains TestMacro DICE
MeshNet GMWM32044.9565
MeshNet Dropout GMWM32044.8748
MeshNet Large GMWM32044.9652
MeshNet Large GMWM32044.9624
UNet GMWM32044.9624
MeshNet Large Mindboggle31701020.6742
UNet Mindboggle31701020.6771
MeshNet Large HCP Atlas10477027100~.85
ModelInference SpeedModel Size
MeshNet GMWM116 subvolumes/sec.89 mb
MeshNet Dropout GMWM115 subvolumes/sec.89 mb
MeshNet Large GMWM19 subvolumes/sec9mb
MeshNet Large Dropout GMWM19 subvolumes/sec9mb
UNet GMWM13 subvolumes/sec288 mb
MeshNet Large Mindboggle19 subvolumes/sec9 mb
UNet Mindboggle13 subvolumes/sec288 mb
MeshNet Large HCP Atlas18 subvolumes/sec10 mb

Download links are in the Example Segmentation Notebooks

Example Segmentation Notebooks

Training MeshNet on Mindboggle

You can reproduce MeshNet for Mindboggle with 5 simple steps

MRI Segmentation Datasets

Mindboggle dataset uses manual annotations which are considered the gold standard. Manually labeling a single MRI can take a week of expert labeling. The labeling is done using a 2D display, one slice at a time which can lead to accuracy/ consistency issues. For our pre-trained models, we use automated labels from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), which can be downloaded here. The automated labeling tool used (FreeSurfer) employs probabilistic methods with priors to perform segmentation and is the current SOTA. While running FreeSurfer involves more than segmentation, it can take hours to segment a single MRI from FreeSurfer vs. minutes for a MeshNet model.

HCP Data preparation

mri_convert *brainDir*/t1.nii *brainDir*/T1.nii.gz -c
python neuro/scripts/prepare_atlas_data.py --brains_list *brains_list.txt*
./bin/mk_gwmwm_labels.sh [input_directory] [output_directory]

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