


A minimal ChatGPT client by vanilla javascript, run from local or any web host

This program aims to code a full functional chatGPT client using only raw HTML/CSS/JavaScript with minimal coding effort, in the purpose of exploring the minimum requirements of utilizing chatGPT features without the need for a server, framework, or additional resources.

This program offers basic conversation functions with some enhancements for conversation content

  1. refined printout
  2. easy to copy code-block and content
  3. export conversation to markdown
  4. voice recognition and speak answer

It is available as a single HTML file, which run directly from local or GitHub source folder.


Source folder includes two version of vanilla-chatGPT with a javascript library for chatGPT API.

  1. index.html is a single file version of vanilla-chatGPT. no dependence.
  2. vanilla-chatgpt.html is the minimum version using casual-markdown.js and vanilla-chatgpt.js.
  3. vanilla-chatgpt.js the js library reusable for your chatGPT client.

The program is quite simple in about 380/165 lines of code, making it easy to be revised in your purpose.

You can fork this repo to add your prompt library and further customization.


vanilla-chatgpt.js is the reusable code with the following functions:


When load the page first time, Program will prompt to input OPENAI_API_KEY which could be found in openai account page -> API Key

It is safe as the key will be stored in browser local storage by the following script

// prompt for API key if not found in localStorage
window.onload = function () {
  chat.apiKey = localStorage.getItem('OPENAI_API_KEY');
  if (!chat.apiKey || chat.apiKey.length < 10 ) {
     chat.apiKey = prompt("Please input Secret API key (will store in local.storage)", "sk-");
     localStorage.setItem('OPENAI_API_KEY', chat.apiKey)

For next time loading the page, it will retrieve API key from local storage.

To remove the API key from local storage, just click on [logout] button.

If feel not convenience to input the key every time, you may can hard-code the API key as below

window.onload = function () {
  chat.apiKey = 'sk-???????????';

Please be aware that if you hard-code the key in HTML, it may become vulnerable to being revealed. It's recommended run the program on a local or private network.


Inspired by the some self-host solutions

Special thanks for jat23606, he inspired and contributed the code for voice recognition and speak feature.

Modification History