Anonymize JSON values, easily.
npm install -g babel jsonymize
jsonymize reads data from standard input, anonymizes, then writes to standard output. By default all fields are anonymized, however, specific field names can be passed as arguments as shown below.
Choose fields to anonymize:
$ cat input.json
{"name": "Cameron Hunter", "age": 30, "email": ""}
$ cat input.json | jsonymize email age
{"name":"Cameron Hunter","age":58,"email":""}
Field names can be "fully qualified" using dot-notation:
$ cat input.json
{"user":{"name": "Cameron Hunter", "age": 30, "email": ""}}
$ cat input.json | jsonymize *.age
{"user":{"name":"Alejandro Mann","age":35,"email":""}}
Advanced Configuration
A configuration file can be passed to jsonymize, providing advanced control over the data generators, as well as allowing configurations to be shared.
Example configuration file:
"aliases": {
"userAge": "user.age"
"fields": ["name", "cell", "userAge"],
"extensions": [
"generators": {
"name": "nickname",
"cell": "phone",
"text": {
"generator": "sentence",
"params": {
"words": 10
$ cat input.json
{"name": "Cameron Hunter", "age": 30, "cell": "(939) 555-0113"}
$ cat input.json | jsonymize -c ~/configuration.json
{"name":"Terry 'Hulk' Hogan","age":30,"cell":"(636) 555-3226"}
ChanceJS is used to generate all randomized data. A full list of supported generators and their options is available on their website.