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Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript

Homepage: http://chancejs.com

Many more details on http://chancejs.com but this single library can generate random numbers, characters, strings, names, addresses, dice, and pretty much anything else.

It includes the basic building blocks for all these items and is built on top of a Mersenne Twister so it can generate these things with repeatability, if desired.


See the full docs for details on installation and usage.

Dependent tools

Or view all of the dependents on npm

Know a library that uses Chance that isn't here? Update the README and submit a PR!


Victor Quinn

https://www.victorquinn.com @victorquinn

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions.




Be a part of this project! You can run the test using the following.

Note: Make sure you have Yarn installed globally

  1. Install dependencies from package.json by running yarn
  2. Run the test suite via yarn test
  3. Make some fun new modules!

This project is licensed under the MIT License so feel free to hack away :)

Proudly written in Washington, D.C.