


AUnit Tests

A companion library to the AceSegment library. This provides higher-level convenience classes for writing decimal numbers, hex numbers, temperature, clock digits, characters, and strings to seven segment LED modules. The following classes are provided: PatternWriter, NumberWriter, ClockWriter, TemperatureWriter, CharWriter, StringWriter, LevelWriter, and StringScroller.

Initially, this code was part of the AceSegment library and depended directly on the LedModule class of that library. Later the direct dependency was removed by converting the Writer classes into generic code using C++ templates. The classes now depend on the T_LED_MODULE template type which should implement the public methods that appear in the LedModule class. But T_LED_MODULE is not required to inherit from LedModule which preserves the decoupling between the AceSegmentWriter and AceSegment libraries.

Version: 0.5 (2023-03-16)

Changelog: CHANGELOG.md

Table of Contents

<a name="Installation"></a>


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Search for "AceSegmentWriter". Click install.

The development version can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository, checking out the default develop branch, then manually copying over to or symlinking from the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a directory or link named ./libraries/AceSegmentWriter.)

The master branch contains the stable releases.

<a name="SourceCode"></a>

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

<a name="Dependencies"></a>


This library library has a direct, compile-time dependency on:

The following libraries are recommended, and they are added in the depends property of library.properties so that they are automatically installed by the Arduino Library Manager for convenience. However, client applications are not required to use these. Other libraries with the same interface and functionality can be substituted if desired.

The unit tests depend on:

Some of the examples may depend on the following which may need to be installed manually:

<a name="Documentation"></a>


<a name="Examples"></a>


The following example sketches are provided:

<a name="HighLevelOverview"></a>

High Level Overview

<a name="ClassesAndTypes"></a>

Classes and Types

Here are the classes and types in the library:

<a name="DependencyDiagram"></a>

Dependency Diagram

The conceptual dependency diagram among these classes looks something like this:

StringScroller StringWriter  ClockWriter TemperatureWriter
            \       /             \      /
             v     v               v    v
             CharWriter        NumberWriter      LevelWriter
                      \             |             /
                       v            v            v
                                | (depends on AceSegment if
                                | T_LED_MODULE is set to LedModule)
                           /    |     \
                          v     v      v
                    AceWire  AceTMI   AceSPI
                    Library  Library  Library

<a name="DigitAndSegmentAddressing"></a>

Digit and Segment Addressing

The T_LED_MODULE type must support the same conventions for addressing the digits and segments as defined by the AceSegment library:

+------------+  +------------+           +------------+
|   aaaa     |  |   aaaa     |           |   aaaa     |
|  f    b    |  |  f    b    |           |  f    b    |
|  f    b    |  |  f    b    |           |  f    b    |
|   gggg     |  |   gggg     |  *  *  *  |   gggg     |
|  e    c    |  |  e    c    |           |  e    c    |
|  e    c    |  |  e    c    |           |  e    c    |
|   dddd  dp |  |   dddd  dp |           |   dddd  dp |
+------------+  +------------+           +------------+
  Digit 0         Digit 1                 Digit {N-1}

Segment: dp g f e d c b a
   Bit:  7  6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Some 4-digit LED modules are designed to be used in a clock to display the hour and minute components of the time as HH:MM. In these modules, it is common for the decimal point on Digit 1 to be replaced with the colon segment between Digit 1 and Digit 2. In these modules, sometimes the decimal points for the other digits work normally, but sometimes, the remaining decimal points do not work at all.

<a name="Usage"></a>


<a name="HeaderAndNamespace"></a>

Include Header and Namespace

Only a single header file AceSegmentWriter.h is required to use this library. To prevent name clashes with other libraries that the calling code may use, all classes are defined in the ace_segment namespace. (This is the same namespace used by the AceSegment library to make it easier to use them together.) To use the code without prepending the ace_segment:: prefix, use the using directive:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceSegmentWriter.h>
using namespace ace_segment;

<a name="T_LED_MODULE"></a>


All Writer classes directly (or indirectly) wrap around an underlying LED module class with the generic T_LED_MODULE type. It is assumed to implement the same public methods of the LedModule class from AceSegment. However, the Writer classes in this library are implemented as C++ templates, so the T_LED_MODULE type does not need to inherit from the LedModule class. The public methods of T_LED_MODULE should look like this:

class LedModule {
    uint8_t size() const;
    void setPatternAt(uint8_t pos, uint8_t pattern);
    uint8_t getPatternAt(uint8_t pos) const;
    void setBrightness(uint8_t brightness);
    void getBrightness() const;
    void setDecimalPointAt(uint8_t pos, bool state = true);

<a name="PatternWriter"></a>


The PatternWriter class is the most basic wrapper around an T_LED_MODULE object, and provides more convenient interfaces to writing to the LED module. It provides the following features on top of T_LED_MODULE:

All other XxxWriter classes are built on top of this class. If multiple writers are used in an application (which happens often because each Writer is responsible for writing different things), the application should make sure that only a single instance of PatternWriter is created. Otherwise, the "current" position may become confusing.

The public methods and constants of the class look like this:

namespace ace_segment {

const uint8_t kPattern0 = 0b00111111;
const uint8_t kPattern1 = 0b00000110;
const uint8_t kPattern2 = 0b01011011;
const uint8_t kPattern3 = 0b01001111;
const uint8_t kPattern4 = 0b01100110;
const uint8_t kPattern5 = 0b01101101;
const uint8_t kPattern6 = 0b01111101;
const uint8_t kPattern7 = 0b00000111;
const uint8_t kPattern8 = 0b01111111;
const uint8_t kPattern9 = 0b01101111;
const uint8_t kPatternA = 0b01110111;
const uint8_t kPatternB = 0b01111100;
const uint8_t kPatternC = 0b00111001;
const uint8_t kPatternD = 0b01011110;
const uint8_t kPatternE = 0b01111001;
const uint8_t kPatternF = 0b01110001;
const uint8_t kPatternSpace = 0b00000000;
const uint8_t kPatternMinus = 0b01000000;
const uint8_t kPatternDeg = 0b01100011;
const uint8_t kPatternP = 0b01110011;

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class PatternWriter {
    explicit PatternWriter(T_LED_MODULE& ledModule);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule() const;

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();
    uint8_t pos() const;
    void pos(uint8_t pos);

    void writePattern(uint8_t pattern);
    void writePatterns(const uint8_t patterns[], uint8_t len);
    void writePatterns_P(const uint8_t patterns[], uint8_t len);
    void writeDecimalPoint(bool state = true);
    void setDecimalPointAt(uint8_t pos, bool state = true);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd();


The writePattern() function writes the given pattern at the current pos. The pos is automatically incremented by one.

The writeDecimalPoint() function writes a decimal point in the previous digit, because that's where the decimal point is located on a seven-segment LED display. If the current position is 0, this function does nothing. If the current position is equal to ledModule.size() which is one position after the end, this function sets the decimal point on the last digit.

The setDecimalPointAt() function writes the decimal point at the given pos. This provides an escape hatch in cases where writeDecimalPoint() is not sufficient.

The decimal point is stored as bit 7 (the most significant bit) of the uint8_t byte for a given digit. This bit is cleared by the writePattern() and writePatterns() functions. So the writeDecimalPoint() and setDecimalPointAt() methods must be called **after** the writePattern()` methods.

The pos() function sets or gets the current position.

The home() function sets the current position to 0.

The clear() function clears all the digits of the ledModule. The clearToEnd() clears only the digits from the current position to the end. In both cases, the home() function is automatically called to set the position to 0.

Here is how to create an instance of PatternWriter from an instance of LedModule:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);

<a name="NumberWriter"></a>


The NumberWriter can print integers to the T_LED_MODULE using decimal (0-9) or hexadecimal (0-9A-F) formats. On platforms that support it (AVR and ESP8266), the bit mapping table is stored in flash memory to conserve static memory.

The public methods of this class looks something like this:

namespace ace_segment {

const uint8_t kNumDigitPatterns = 18;
extern const uint8_t kDigitPatterns[kNumDigitPatterns];

typedef uint8_t digit_t;
const digit_t kDigitSpace = 0x10;
const digit_t kDigitMinus = 0x11;

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class NumberWriter {
    explicit NumberWriter(PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& ledModule);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();

    void writeDigit(digit_t c);
    void writeDigits(digit_t s[], uint8_t len);

    void writeDec2(uint8_t d, uint8_t padPattern = kPattern0);
    void writeDec4(uint16_t dd, uint8_t padPattern = kPattern0);

    void writeBcd(uint8_t bcd);
    void writeHexByte(uint8_t b);
    void writeHexWord(uint16_t w);

    void writeUnsignedDecimal(uint16_t num, int8_t boxSize = 0);
    void writeSignedDecimal(int16_t num, int8_t boxSize = 0);

    void writeFloat(float x, uint8_t places = 2);
    void writeDecimalPoint(bool state = true);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd(uint8_t pos);


The digit_t type semantically represents the character set supported by this class. It is implemented as an alias for uint8_t, which unfortunately means that the C++ compiler will not warn about mixing this type with another uint8_t. The range of this character set is from [0,15] plus 2 additional symbols, so [0,17]:

An instance of NumberWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
NumberWriter<LedModule> numberWriter(patternWriter);



<a name="ClockWriter"></a>


There are special, 4 digit, seven segment LED displays which replace the decimal point with the colon symbol ":" between the 2 digits on either side so that it can display a time in the format "hh:mm".

The public methods of this class look like this:

namespace ace_segment {

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class ClockWriter {
    explicit ClockWriter(
        NumberWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& numberWriter,
        uint8_t colonDigit = 1);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();
    NumberWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& numberWriter();

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();

    void writeHourMinute24(uint8_t hh, uint8_t mm);
    void writeHourMinute12(uint8_t hh, uint8_t mm);
    void writeColon(bool state = true);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd(


An instance of ClockWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
NumberWriter<LedModule> numberWriter(patternWriter);
ClockWriter<LedModule> clockWriter(numberWriter);

You can write the letters A and P using the underlying patternWriter():



<a name="TemperatureWriter"></a>


This class supports writing out temperatures in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. The public methods of this class looks something like this:

namespace ace_segment {

const uint8_t kPatternDegree = 0b01100011;
const uint8_t kPatternC = 0b00111001;
const uint8_t kPatternF = 0b01110001;

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class TemperatureWriter {
    explicit TemperatureWriter(NumberWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& numberWriter);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();
    NumberWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& numberWriter();

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();

    uint8_t writeTemp(int16_t temp, boxSize = 0);
    uint8_t writeTempDeg(int16_t temp, boxSize = 0);
    uint8_t writeTempDegC(int16_t temp, boxSize = 0);
    uint8_t writeTempDegF(int16_t temp, boxSize = 0);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd();


An instance of TemperatureWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
NumberWriter<LedModule> numberWriter(patternWriter);
TemperatureWriter<LedModule> temperatureWriter(numberWriter);



<a name="CharWriter"></a>


It is possible to represent many of the ASCII characters in the range [0,127] on a seven-segment LED display, although some of the characters will necessarily be crude given the limited number of segments. The CharWriter contains a mapping of ASCII characters to seven-segment bit patterns. On platforms that support it (AVR and ESP8266), the bit pattern array is stored in flash memory to conserve static memory.

The public methods of this class look like this:

namespace ace_segment {

const uint8_t kPatternUnknown = 0b00000000;

const uint8_t kNumCharPatterns = 128;
extern const uint8_t kCharPatterns[kNumCharPatterns];

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class CharWriter {
    explicit CharWriter(
        PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter,
        const uint8_t charPatterns[] = kCharPatterns,
        uint8_t numChars = kNumChars

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();

    uint8_t getNumChars() const;
    uint8_t getPattern(char c) const;

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();

    void writeChar(char c);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd();


An instance of CharWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
CharWriter<LedModule> charWriter(patternWriter);

You can use a custom font by providing an array of segment bit patterns patterns[] in the constructor of CharWriter.


<a name="StringWriter"></a>


A StringWriter is a class that builds on top of the CharWriter. It knows how to write entire strings into the LED display. The public methods look like:

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class StringWriter {
    explicit StringWriter(CharWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& charWriter);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();
    CharWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& charWriter();

    uint8_t size() const;
    void home();

    uint8_t writeString(const char* cs, uint8_t numChar = 255);
    uint8_t writeString(const __FlashStringHelper* fs, uint8_t numChar = 255);

    void clear();
    void clearToEnd();

The implementation of writeString() is straightforward except for the handling of a decimal point. A seven segment LED digit contains a small LED for the decimal point. Instead of taking up an entire digit for a single '.' character, we can collapse the '.' character into the decimal point indicator of the previous character on the left.

The optional numChar parameter limits the number of characters in the string to write. The default value is 255 which is expected to be larger than the largest LED module that will be used with the AceSegment and AceSegmentWriter libraries, so the default value will print the entire string.

The actual number of LED digits written is returned by writeString(). For example, writing "1.2" returns 2 because the decimal point was merged into the previous digit and only 2 digits are written.

The clearToEnd() method clears the LED display from the current pos to the end of the display.

An instance of StringWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
CharWriter<LedModule> charWriter(patternWriter);
StringWriter<LedModule> stringWriter(charWriter);

The following will write the given string and clear all digits after the end of the string:



<a name="LevelWriter"></a>


A LevelWriter writes a specified number of vertical bars (2 vertical bar per digit) to the LED display, emulating a level meter LED module.

namespace ace_segment {

const uint8_t kPatternLevelLeft = 0b00110000;
const uint8_t kPatternLevelRight = 0b00000110;

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class LevelWriter {
    explicit LevelWriter(PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();

    uint8_t getMaxLevel() const;
    void writeLevel(uint8_t level);


An instance of LevelWriter is created like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
LevelWriter<LedModule> levelWriter(patternWriter);

There are 2 vertical bars available per per digit. So the maximum level supported by a 4-digit LED module is 8, and an 8-digit LED module supports a maximum level of 16.


<a name="StringScroller"></a>


A StringScroller is a class that builds on top of the CharWriter. It can scroll strings to the left and right. The public methods look like:

namespace ace_segment {

template <typename T_LED_MODULE>
class StringScroller {
    explicit StringScroller(CharWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& charWriter);

    T_LED_MODULE& ledModule();
    PatternWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& patternWriter();
    CharWriter<T_LED_MODULE>& charWriter();

    uint8_t size() const;

    void initScrollLeft(const char* s);
    void initScrollLeft(const __FlashStringHelper* s);
    bool scrollLeft();

    void initScrollRight(const char* s);
    void initScrollRight(const __FlashStringHelper* s);
    bool scrollRight();


An instance of StringScroller is built from its underlying classes like this:

PatternWriter<LedModule> patternWriter(ledModule);
CharWriter<LedModule> charWriter(patternWriter);
StringScroller<LedModule> stringScroller(charWriter);

To scroll a string to the left, initialize the string using initScrollLeft(), then call scrollLeft() to shift one position to the left. The string scrolls into the first digit on the right. When the scrolling is finished, the display becomes blank, and the scrollLeft() method returns true to indicate isDone.

Similarly to scroll to the right, initialize the string using initScrollRight(), then call scrollRight() to shift to the right. The string scrolls into the first digit on the left. When the scrolling is finished, the display becomes blank, and the scrollRight() method returns true to indicate isDone.

<a name="ResourceConsumption"></a>

Resource Consumption

<a name="FlashAndStaticMemory"></a>

Flash And Static Memory

For the most part, the user pays only for the feature that is being used. For example, if the CharWriter (which consumes about 300 bytes of flash on AVR) is not used, it is not loaded into the program.

The full details are given in examples/MemoryBenchmark. Here are 2 samples of the flash and static memory consumptions.

Arduino Nano (ATmega328)

| functionality                   |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                        |    470/   11 |     0/    0 |
| PatternWriter                   |    574/   19 |   104/    8 |
| NumberWriter                    |    758/   21 |   288/   10 |
| NumberWriter::writeFloat()      |   2476/   45 |  2006/   34 |
| ClockWriter                     |    834/   24 |   364/   13 |
| TemperatureWriter               |    954/   23 |   484/   12 |
| CharWriter                      |    768/   24 |   298/   13 |
| StringWriter                    |    864/   26 |   394/   15 |
| StringScroller                  |    980/   32 |   510/   21 |
| LevelWriter                     |    678/   21 |   208/   10 |


| functionality                   |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                        | 260121/27900 |     0/    0 |
| PatternWriter                   | 260173/27912 |    52/   12 |
| NumberWriter                    | 260397/27920 |   276/   20 |
| NumberWriter::writeFloat()      | 261741/27920 |  1620/   20 |
| ClockWriter                     | 260477/27928 |   356/   28 |
| TemperatureWriter               | 260541/27920 |   420/   20 |
| CharWriter                      | 260365/27928 |   244/   28 |
| StringWriter                    | 260501/27928 |   380/   28 |
| StringScroller                  | 260533/27936 |   412/   36 |
| LevelWriter                     | 260253/27920 |   132/   20 |

<a name="SystemRequirements"></a>

System Requirements

<a name="Hardware"></a>


Tier 1: Fully Supported

Tier 2: Should work

These boards should work but I don't test them as often:

Tier 3: May work, but not supported

Tier Blacklisted

The following boards are not supported and are explicitly blacklisted to allow the compiler to print useful error messages instead of hundreds of lines of compiler errors:

<a name="ToolChain"></a>

Tool Chain

This library is not compatible with:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library can be compiled under Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino (https://github.com/bxparks/EpoxyDuino) emulation layer.

<a name="OperatingSystem"></a>

Operating System

I use Ubuntu 20.04 for the vast majority of my development. I expect that the library will work fine under MacOS and Windows, but I have not explicitly tested them.

<a name="BugsAndLimitations"></a>

Bugs and Limitations

<a name="AlternativeLibraries"></a>

Alternative Libraries

Tracked using AceSegment Wiki.

<a name="License"></a>


MIT License

<a name="FeedbackAndSupport"></a>

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.

<a name="Authors"></a>


Created by Brian T. Park (brian@xparks.net).