

Chess on Golem Viewer


This project was created as an entry to Golem Hackathon 12/2020.

It's purpose is to show that any state based game / problem can be run in Golem Network and solved interactively by provider nodes.

This particular example shows classical chessgame played by two AI players that facilitate golem network for computing. Whole game is managed by Node.js server which distributes computing tasks across Golem Network providers. Each move request is put into Golem Market and calculated by provider that puts best offer. To show how computing power could affect outcome of the game each player is allowed to calculate next move with particular depth. (With enough provider nodes in network that could be achieved without forcing one of players to ask for computations with lower depth than opponent)


Demo v0.3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_lJEeN7UA&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Pawe%C5%82Burgchardt

Demo v0.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C65uTAZAsRA&list=UUxg1Vq50vwy7Pm3kFwb0ZQg&index=2&ab_channel=Pawe%C5%82Burgchardt

Demo v0.1 (problem with some providers' payments ==> invoices that are way too huge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTD0zq7jURM&list=UUxg1Vq50vwy7Pm3kFwb0ZQg&index=3&ab_channel=Pawe%C5%82Burgchardt

Presentation: http://developed.home.pl/chessongolem.pdf

Subprojects used in development

Node Chess App

providerFailed Node.js Server that can be run on linux or windows machines that is responsible for handling game and requesting Golem Network for next moves for each AI player.

Is used also as backend server for GUI App that displayes chess game in real time with some statistics regarding provider nodes work. (ChessOnGolemViewer => https://github.com/broadcastmonkey/ChessOnGolemViewer)

(also in this repository)

Chess on Golem Viewer

https://github.com/broadcastmonkey/ChessOnGolemViewer (also in this repository)

React application that serves as GUI for displaying chess game progress for Chess on Golem.

It displays game progress and some interesing stats regarding provider nodes that took part in calculations

There is live demo available at: http://chess-on-golem-viewer.herokuapp.com/

If It's not running you can request start at pawel.burgchardt [ A-T] gmail.com


Potential growth

Used framewroks / libraries