

WebGPU Inspector

Inspect . Capture . Record


Version: 0.7.0

Inspection, profiling, and graphics debugging browser extension for WebGPU.

WebGPU Inspector is designed to inspect what's happening with WebGPU on the page, independent of the engine.

WebGPU Inspector includes the following tools:

WebGPU Inspector provides the following capabilities:

<a href="docs/images/webgpu_inspector_screen.png"> <img src="docs/images/webgpu_inspector_screen.png" style="width: 512px; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"> </a>

Developer Tools window

Select More Tools / Developer Tools, or press F12 or Shit+CTRL+J (Option + ⌘ + J on MacOS). You can also right-click on the page and select Inspect. When the WebGPU Inspector extension is enabled in the extension manager, there will be a WebGPU Inspector tab.

WebGPU Inspector Panel

Extension Problem Solving

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WebGPU Inspector panel missing from Developer Tools

If the WebGPU Inspector tab is not present on the Developer Tools panel, try closing the Developer Tools window and opening it again. Sometimes the browser doesn't load the extension.

Inspect Start, Capture, or Record does not work

Sometimes the browser extension script does not get injected into the page properly. Refresh the page and WebGPU Inspector should start working.

Inspect is running but Capture does not work

Some pages will not update if they do not have focus. If Capture is not recording anything, try selecting the page to make sure it has focus.


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Chrome Web Store

Install WebGPU Inspector from the Chrome Web Store.

From Source

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To get the most up to date version of WebGPU Inspector, you can install the extension from source.

Crome and Firefox don't support the same version of extension plug-ins, so you'll need to load the correct version.



Firefox Nightly

Safari Technology Preview


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Building the project requires an installation of Node.js.

After the project is built:


External Dependencies

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