

Breez Mobile Client

<p align='center'> <img src='https://breez.technology/balance-illustration.webp' height='300' alt='screenshot' /> <img src='https://breez.technology/pos-illustration.webp' height='300' alt='screenshot' /> <img src='https://breez.technology/podcast-illustration.webp' height='300' alt='screenshot' /> </p>

Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments. <br> Breez is currently in a public beta, available on Android and on iOS. <br> To learn more about it, please read Introducing Breez. <br>


System Requirements

Setting up the environment


Make sure you have Flutter 3 installed on your system before continuing the setup process.

Setting up for Android

  1. Build breez.aar as described in https://github.com/breez/breez
  2. Create a symlink from the breez.aar to android/app/libs directory.
  3. Create an Android app on Firebase and download google-services.json file.
  1. Copy the downloaded google-services.json file to android/app/src/client folder.

Setting up for iOS

  1. Build and bindings.xcframework as described in https://github.com/breez/breez
  2. Copy the bindings.xcframework directory to the ios directory.
  3. Create an iOS app on Firebase and download GoogleServices-info.plist file.
  4. Copy the downloaded GoogleServices-info.plist file to ios/Runner folder.
  5. Run pod install from breezmobile/ios

Building and Running

# Install dependencies for building
flutter pub get

# Run a client app on the connected device
flutter run --flavor=client

# Build a client app as APK file
flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64 --flavor=client --debug

Overview for Developers

Running Breez in simnet