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Braze Swift SDK

Version Information

Package Managers


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BrazeKit</br> Main SDK library providing support for analytics and push notifications.<sup>1</sup>
BrazeUI</br> Braze-provided user interface library for In-App Messages and Content Cards.n/a
BrazeLocation</br> Location library providing support for location analytics and geofence monitoring.<sup>2</sup><sup>2</sup>
BrazeNotificationService</br> Notification service extension library providing support for rich push notifications.n/a
BrazePushStory</br> Notification content extension library providing support for Push Stories.n/a

<sup>1</sup> Push notifications not supported on tvOS</br> <sup>2</sup> Geofence monitoring not supported on tvOS and visionOS


Explore our examples project which showcases multiple features' integrations.

Wrapper Support

Wrapper SDKSwift SDK SupportRelease Version
React Native2.0.0

Alternative Repositories

VariantRepositoryGH Issues, SDK info
Sources and Static XCFrameworksbraze-inc/braze-swift-sdk
Static XCFrameworksbraze-inc/braze-swift-sdk-prebuilt-static
Dynamic XCFrameworksbraze-inc/braze-swift-sdk-prebuilt-dynamic
Mergeable XCFrameworks (early access)braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk-prebuilt-mergeable


As of version 5.8.0, the Braze Swift SDK provides all the features available in the Appboy-iOS-SDK.

We recommend all users to migrate to the Braze Swift SDK. For more information, please refer to our migration guide.

The Appboy-iOS-SDK (Objective-C) SDK is now in maintenance mode, which means only critical bug fixes, and security updates will be made. No new features or minor bug fixes will be added to that library.


If you have questions, please contact support@braze.com or open a Github Issue.