

Bash/Shell Autocompletion for Composer

Source License

composer-autocomplete provides Bash/Shell autocompletion for Composer.

Built by Bram(us) Van Damme (https://www.bram.us) and Contributors


If the complete command is not available on your system, you can install bash-completion using Homebrew

brew install bash-completion


  1. Download the file composer-autocomplete from this repo

    curl -#L https://github.com/bramus/composer-autocomplete/tarball/master | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={LICENSE,README.md}
  2. Move the file composer-autocomplete to ~

    mv ./composer-autocomplete ~/composer-autocomplete
  3. Load composer-autocomplete from within your ~/.bash_profile

    Either manually add this snippet to your ~/.bash_profile:

    if [ -f "$HOME/composer-autocomplete" ] ; then
        . $HOME/composer-autocomplete

    Or use this set of commands to do it automatically:

    echo "" >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo 'if [ -f "$HOME/composer-autocomplete" ] ; then' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo '    . $HOME/composer-autocomplete' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo "fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
  4. Restart your shell, or reload your ~/.bash_profile

    source ~/.bash_profile


To list composer commands:

$ composer [TAB][TAB]
about                clear-cache          create-project       dumpautoload         home                 install              prohibits            search               status               upgrade
archive              clearcache           depends              exec                 i                    licenses             remove               self-update          suggests             validate
browse               command              diagnose             global               info                 list                 require              selfupdate           u                    why
check-platform-reqs  config               dump-autoload        help                 init                 outdated             run-script           show                 update               why-not

To complete a composer commands:

$ composer in[TAB][TAB]
info     init     install

To list options for a composer command:

$ composer install -[TAB][TAB]
--                        --dev                     --no-ansi                 --no-interaction          --no-suggest              --profile                 --working-dir             -h                        -v
--ansi                    --dry-run                 --no-autoloader           --no-plugins              --optimize-autoloader     --quiet                   -V                        -n
--apcu-autoloader         --help                    --no-custom-installers    --no-progress             --prefer-dist             --verbose                 -a                        -o
--classmap-authoritative  --ignore-platform-reqs    --no-dev                  --no-scripts              --prefer-source           --version                 -d                        -q

To complete Composer scripts (example):

$ composer run-script [TAB][TAB]
fix   lint  test


This project builds upon Rob Allen's previous work in this area.


composer-autocomplete is released under the MIT public license. See the enclosed LICENSE for details.