


A failed attempt at making a Wordle clone.

I wanted it to be a TUI application and I first tried urwid. It seems to be more of a UI widget construction library than a plug-and-play framework. My extreme lack of UI programming meant the amount of time it would have taken me to figure out wasn't worth it. Better spent on other projects.

I found this lovely implementation and it's eerily similar to what I had mind for my program, particularly the look-and-feel. Good job @frostming!

The above project used a different library called textual. I tried using it but there wasn't enough documentation (at the time) for a noob like me. You needed to read library source code to see all the stuff it could do. See the point above about spending personal project time wisely.

Source Details

I write these details months after I wrote the source code so I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff...but! I usually comment code pretty well.

Everything else looks related to my textual attempts: