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by Philippe Fremy

LuaUnit is a popular unit-testing framework for Lua, with an interface typical of xUnit libraries (Python unittest, Junit, NUnit, ...). It supports several output formats (Text, TAP, JUnit, ...) to be used directly or work with Continuous Integration platforms (Jenkins, Hudson, ...).

LuaUnit may be installed as a rock or directly added to your project. For simplicity, LuaUnit is contained into a single-file and has no external dependency.

Tutorial and reference documentation is available on read-the-docs

LuaUnit may also be used as an assertion library, to validate assertions inside a running program. In addition, it provides a pretty stringifier which converts any type into a nicely formatted string (including complex nested or recursive tables).

More details

LuaUnit provides a wide range of assertions and goes into great efforts to provide the most useful output. For example since version 3.3 , comparing lists will provide a detailed difference analysis:

-- lua test code. Can you spot the difference ?
function TestListCompare:test1()
	local A = { 121221, 122211, 121221, 122211, 121221, 122212, 121212, 122112, 122121, 121212, 122121 } 
	local B = { 121221, 122211, 121221, 122211, 121221, 122212, 121212, 122112, 121221, 121212, 122121 }
	lu.assertEquals( A, B )
$ lua test_some_lists_comparison.lua

TestListCompare.test1 ... FAIL
test/some_lists_comparisons.lua:22: expected: 

List difference analysis:
* lists A (actual) and B (expected) have the same size
* lists A and B start differing at index 9
* lists A and B are equal again from index 10
* Common parts:
  = A[1], B[1]: 121221
  = A[2], B[2]: 122211
  = A[3], B[3]: 121221
  = A[4], B[4]: 122211
  = A[5], B[5]: 121221
  = A[6], B[6]: 122212
  = A[7], B[7]: 121212
  = A[8], B[8]: 122112
* Differing parts:
  - A[9]: 122121
  + B[9]: 121221
* Common parts at the end of the lists
  = A[10], B[10]: 121212
  = A[11], B[11]: 122121

The command-line options provide a flexible interface to select tests by name or patterns, control output format, set verbosity and more. See the documentation .

LuaUnit also provides some dedicated support to scientific computing. See the documentation .

LuaUnit is very well tested: code coverage is 99.5% . The test suite is run on every version of Lua (Lua 5.1 to 5.4, LuaJIT 2.0 and 2.1 beta) and on many OS (Windows Seven, Windows Server 2012, MacOs X and Ubuntu). You can check the continuous build results on Travis-CI and AppVeyor.

LuaUnit is maintained on GitHub: https://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit . We gladly accept feature requests and even better Pull Requests. For more information on LuaUnit development, please check: Developing LuaUnit .

LuaUnit is released under the BSD license.

The main developer can be reached at phil.fremy at free.fr . If you have security issue to report requiring confidentiality, this is the address to use.

LuaUnit successes

Version 3.2 of LuaUnit has been downloaded more than 235 000 times on LuaRocks

LuaUnit is used in some very nice technological products. I like to mention:




LuaUnit is available on LuaRocks. To install it, you need at least LuaRocks version 2.4.4 (due to old versions of wget being incompatible with GitHub https downloading)


The simplest way to install LuaUnit is to fetch the GitHub version:

git clone git@github.com:bluebird75/luaunit.git

Then copy the file luaunit.lua into your project or the Lua libs directory.

The version of the main branch on GitHub is always stable and can be used safely.


Version 3.4 - 02 March 2021

Version 3.3 - 6. March 2018

Version 3.2 - 12. Jul 2016

Version 3.1 - 10 Mar. 2015

Important note when upgrading to version 3.1 : assertions functions are no longer exported directly to the global namespace. See documentation for upgrade paths.

Version 3.0 - 9. Oct 2014

Since some people have forked LuaUnit and release some 2.x version, I am jumping the version number to 3.

Version 2.0

Unofficial fork from version 1.3 by rjbcomupting

Version 1.5 - 8. Nov 2012

Version 1.4 - 26. Jul 2012

Version 1.3 - 30. Oct 2007

Version 1.2 - 13. Jun 2005

Version 1.1
