

>_⚡ Instrukt

Terminal AI Commander at your fingertips

coding assistant example

Checkout demos for more examples.

NOTE: This is a work in progress, expect bugs and api changes.


Instrukt is a terminal-based AI integrated environment. It offers a platform where users can:

Agents are simple drop-in Python packages that can be extended, shared with others, attached to tools and augmented with document indexes.

Instruct them in natural language and, for safety, run them inside secure containers (currently implemented with Docker) to perform tasks in their dedicated, sandboxed space :shield:.

Built with: Langchain, Textual, Chroma

Consulting Services: Need help with Langchain or AI integration ? You can reach out to me at contact@blob42.xyz




You can run instrukt on headless server such or a docker container with CUDA support.

NOTE: if you are starting with a bare container, you need at least g++ and libmagic.

Check the quickstart and install guide for more details.

From source:

See the installation guide for more details

Default Agents:

Coding AI: A coding assistant. Create indexes over any code base and attach it to the agent to do RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

Chat Q&A: A simple conversational agent.


:computer: Keyboard and Mouse Terminal Interface:

:robot: Custom AI Agents:

:books: Chat with code and documents:

:wrench: Tools:

:zap: Prompt Console :

:bird: LangChain:

:shield: Secure Containers:

note: The docker agent is only available to Patreon supporters as an early preview.

:microscope: Developer Console:

Debug and introspect agents using an in-built IPython console. ctrl+d

<p> <img src="assets/images/ipython-debug-shell.jpg" width=400 alt="ipython debug shell" /> </p>

Document Indexes and Question-Answering

Supported platforms:

LLM Models



Any contribution, feedback and PR is welcome !

You can help with:


By becoming a patron, you will help me continue committing time to the development of Instrukt and bring to life all the planned features. Check out the Patreon page for more details on the rewards for early supporters.


Join the Discord server to keep updated on the progress or ask for help.


AI should be accessible to everyone and not a walled garden for big corporations and SaaS services.

Instrukt is a modest contribution to create tools that empower users without compromising their freedoms. The short-term goal is to make it usable with minimal reliance on external APIs and services, giving users the choice to opt for local models and self-hosted services.


Copyright (c) 2023 Chakib Ben Ziane. All Rights Reserved.

Instrukt is licensed with a AGPL license, in short this means that it can be used by anyone for any purpose. However, if you decide to make a publicly available instance your users are entitled to a copy of the source code including all modifications that you have made (which needs to be available trough an interface such as a button on your website), you may also not distribute this project in a form that does not contain the source code (Such as compiling / encrypting the code and distributing this version without also distributing the source code that includes the changes that you made. You are allowed to distribute this in a closed form if you also provide a separate archive with the source code.).