Share resources with the general public.
(uses s3_website and Travis for CI deployment).
How to contribute
For now here is a simple formula:
- Fork the repository at Github
- Do awesomeness!
- Send a pull request to biojs/edu
- Go back to step 2 and stay there as long as you want.
- If we merge two or three pull requests, you get commit access. BAM.
Contributor list
Don't be shy - add yourself to the contributors list of an article. The names are sorted alphabetically.
How to run
Jekyll is awesome.
bundle exec jekyll serve -w
(runs jekyll locally in the server mode + watching for changes)
Install jekyll.
Installing dependencies
We use bundler (virtualenv for ruby).
gem install bundler
bundle install # in your edu root folder
You can then install all dependencies with
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Jekyll layouts
: the root layout (all layouts inherit from this)series_item
: layout used to generate a page within a series
Special blocks: alert
Display alerts to the user
{% alert warn %}
Do you like BioJS?
{% endalert %}
Available types include at the moment:
* `warn`: orange notification - use this for typical errors
* `danger`: red notification - deadly errors
* `info`: blue notification - some informative messages
* `ok`: green notification - positive messages (e.g. end of a tutorial)
Special blocks: hlblock
Can be used to emphasize content.
{% hlblock question %} Do you like BioJS? {% endhlblock %}
Available types include at the moment:
* `info`: additional info and references
* `help`: tips, help, ...
* `task`: use this to assign tasks to your students
* `questions`: ask your readers questions
* `check`: checkpoint & verification
* `stop`: use this before you show a solution
* `raise`: (currently not used)
Special blocks: code
We use `kramdown`, there you should use `~~~` to begin and mark a code block.
To enforce a language or make it collapsible (e.g. for solutions) you can use the `code` block.
{% code javascript collapsible=true %} console.log("You can put this code block anywhere in your tutorial"); {% endcode %}
Add your own series
It is super simple:
* add it to the `_config.yml`
* create a new folder in `series` (the name has to be identical with the `key` of your series in the `_config.yml`)
* add new pages to your series folder (don't forget to set your series in the header)