BioJS 2.0
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TL;DR: you can browse the registry at
Guy Yachdav, Tatyana Goldberg, Sebastian Wilzbach, David Dao, Iris Shih, Saket Choudhary, Steve Crouch, Max Franz, Alexander García, Leyla J García, Björn A Grüning, Devasena Inupakutika, Ian Sillitoe, Anil S Thanki, Bruno Vieira, José M Villaveces, Maria V Schneider, Suzanna Lewis, Steve Pettifer, Burkhard Rost, and Manuel Corpas
[Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences][BioJS-elife]
eLife 2015;4:e07009
- Essentials
1.1. Objectives
1.2. What is BioJS
1.3. Why is there nothing in this repo?
- Packages
2.1. What is a package?
2.2. How to search for a package - Developing packages
3.1. What do I need to develop?
3.2. How to create a package?
3.3. How to use snippets/examples?
3.4. Guidelines
3.5 I need the functionality X
3.6. Gold standards
3.7. How to publish a package? - Support
4.1 Get involved
4.2. Contact
4.3. More questions?
4.4. Documentation - License
- Essentials
1.1. Objectives
- Represent consistently biological information across different projects
- Ease discovery, test and integration of graphical components
- Standardize and facilitate components development
1.2. What is BioJS?
BioJS builds a infrastructure, guidelines and tools to avoid the reinvention of the wheel in life sciences (= "Docker for Bio web components"). Our community builds modules than can be reused by anyone and makes them available for download via a centralised registry.
1.3. Why is there nothing in this repo?
For BioJS 2.0 every component is a separate github repository. To search for a package, visit our registry. This repo is kept as intro guide and discussion repo. Feel free to open an issue (questions, suggestions, proposal or bug reports here) or to submit a component wish.
However you are still invited to show your interest in this project by starring this repo.
- Packages
2.1. What is a package?
A tiny building block like a FASTA parser or a visualization piece. If it obeys the rule "do one thing and do it well" , then it is (most likely) a package. The BioJS packages are published on the JavaScript package manager npm.
2.2. How to search for a package
Visit the registry to search for components.
(Find it on github: Frontend repo, backend repo).
- Developing packages
3.1. What do I need to develop?
Detailed installation instructions.
Even tough you can easily install node on Windows, a Unix-like OS is generally a more productive development enviroment.
3.2. How to create a package?
↝ read our guide
To bootstrap a new project you can use the BioJS slush generator.
npm install -g slush slush-biojs
mkdir biojsAWesome && cd biojsAwesome
slush biojs
3.3. How to use snippets/examples?
↝ read our sniper.
3.4 Guidelines <a name=guidelines></a>
- Events (Convention for the Observer pattern)
- CSS dependencies
- JS dependencies (=npm packages)
- Reusable modules
- example snippets
Especially the snippets should give one a quick start on how to use a component.
3.5. I need the functionality X
You are now ready to enjoy the benefits of npm. For common use cases (requests, drag and drop, promises) you will always find plenty of npm modules.
3.6. Gold standards
Our gold standards are conventions we highly encourage you to follow (especially for JS beginners). They will help you to create a great package!
3.7. How to publish a package?
Just publish it on npm.
3.8. How can I report defective components?
We'd recommend opening an issue in their repository directly.
- Support
4.1. Get involved
Whether you want to write your own component and just submit it onto our BioJS registry or help to increase our ecosystem - we value your contribution(s)!
Here are some general ideas:
- Browse our issue list
- Ask on gitter
4.2. Contact
↝ There are many ways to contact us
For technical queries (questions, suggestions, proposal or bug reports) Github issues are preferred.
4.3. More questions
↝ We have a community-based wiki. Some topics include:
4.4. Documentation
We maintain a learning platform
Pull requests are welcome.
- License