event system
This wrapper here is for backbone-events-standalone
and thus the Backbone event system.
You can choose any library that supports the choosen syntax.
Please provide
objs.on("name", function(data) {})"name", function(data) {})
objs.once("name", function(data) {})
objs.trigger("name", function(data) {})
objs.onAll(function(eventName, data) {}) // (optional)
Here is a list of some popular libraries that offer this functionality:
Not all of them use the same method names or signatures. Please try to adapt those the signatures given above.
How to use
1. install
npm install biojs-events --save
2. Mix the events capability with your object
After the code of your BioJS component add the events capability by mixing you component prototype with the event class
3. Trigger events
Now in your code you can use the events methods (trigger, off,on,once):
self.trigger('onSomethingChanged', {
data : "some data"
and of course listen to your own events:
self.on('onSomethingChanged', function(data){
console.log(data); // will print "some data"