


Additional scripts for DeepLabCut to enable real-time tracking, as well as a GPIO test class adapted from pyftdi, as implemented here: https://doi.org/10.1101/482349


Please note that these scripts were compiled to work with DeepLabCut 1.11 only; this is not the current version of DeepLabCut (2.0.x). Please follow the instructions for installing DeepLabCut 1.11 on the page below. Updates to integrate these scripts with DeepLabCut 2.0.x will come soon.

After installing DeepLabCut, install the dependencies for DeepCutRealTime with pip install opencv-python pyftdi imutils.

To set up pyftdi, follow the instructions here.


  1. Clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/bf777/DeepCutRealTime.git.
  2. Copy AnalyzeVideos_streamLocalThreadedLED.py into the Analysis-tools folder in DeepLabCut.
  3. Copy led_test.py and myconfig_stream.py into your DeepLabCut base level folder.


DeepCutRealTime is an adaptation and extension of DeepLabCut, which is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.

AnalyzeVideos_streamLocalThreadedLED.py is adapted from AnalyzeVideos.py and MakingLabeledVideo.py in DeepLabCut.

myconfig_stream.py is adapted from myconfig_analysis.py in DeepLabCut.

led_test.py is adapated from gpio.py in pyftdi, which is covered by the MIT License.