

<!-- TITLE/ -->


<!-- /TITLE --> <!-- BADGES/ -->

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<!-- /BADGES --> <!-- DESCRIPTION/ -->

Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!


This far, projectz is used directly by 1062 repositories and 421 packages, and indirectly by 2989 repositories and 349 packages.

Watch the talk.

Here's some of the things it can do:

Running Projectz


Once installed locally, you can compile your project using projectz by running the following in your terminal:

npx projectz


To make projectz more automatic, we recommended adding the direct command above to your build tool.

If you don't use a build tool, but do use npm, then you can add the following to your project's package.json file:

    "scripts": {
        "compile": "projectz",
        "posttest": "projectz"

The compile script here is runnable via the command npm run-script compile and will compile your project with projectz.

The posttest script here automatically compiles your project with projectz after your tests have successfully completed, providing you use npm test to run your tests. This is a great place to put projectz as projectz only updates meta documents so won't affect your test, and will always run before a publish.

GitHub Rate Limiting

If you get a rate limit warning, you will need to add GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN (or a GITHUB_CLIENT_ID AND GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET combination) to your environment. To do this:

  1. Create a personal access token for your computer at: https://github.com/settings/tokens
  2. Projectz needs the readonly/access permissions for repos and users
  3. Generate the token and copy it
  4. Inside your dotfile profile (.bashrc, .zshrc) add export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="the token value"
  5. Open a new shell, or run export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="the token value" in your current shell
  6. Run projectz again

Configuring Projectz

Package Files

Projectz helps you maintain the following package files:

It does this by reading them, combining their data in memory, and then outputting the appropriate fields and over-rides for each file.

If you are making use of multiple package files, you may find defining a projectz.json package file will help, as it can serve as a central location for the configuration of all the other files. However, if you only require one package file, then you can ignore this ability.

Projectz takes notes of these meta data fields:

    // Specify your project's human readable name
    "title": "Projectz",

    // Specify your project name
    "name": "projectz",

    // Specify your project's Website URL
    "homepage": "https://github.com/bevry/projectz",

    // Specify your project's demo URL
    // If this is missing, and `homepage` is set, we set it to the `homepage` value
    "demo": "https://github.com/bevry/projectz",

    // Specify your project description
    "description": "Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!",

    // Specify your project's SPDX License
    // Uses https://www.npmjs.com/packages/spdx for parsing
    "license": "MIT",

    // Specify your whether the project can run on the client-side in web browsers
    // If this is missing, and the component or bower package files exist, then this becomes `true`
    "browsers": true,

    // Specify your project's author details
    // Can be an array or CSV string
    "author": "2013+ Bevry Pty Ltd <us@bevry.me> (http://bevry.me)",

    // Specify your maintainers
    "maintainers": [
        "Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

    // Specify your sponsors
    "sponsors": [
        "Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

    // Specify your contributors
    // This is automatically combined with the contributors from the GitHub Repository API
    "contributors": [
        "Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

    // Specify your project's repository details
    // If this is missing, and `homepage` is a GitHub URL, this determined automatically
    "repository": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": "https://github.com/bevry/projectz.git"

    // Specify your project's issue tracker
    // If this is missing, and `repository` is a GitHub repository, this determined automatically
    "bugs": {
        "url": "https://github.com/bevry/projectz/issues"

    // Specify your project's badges for use in the readme files
    // Projectz renders badges by sending the `badges` field to the `badges` package.
    // Below is some sample projectz configuration for this field to render our most common badges.
    // Even more badge types and configurations are available than just those included below.
    // Complete details of what is available can be found over at the badges package:
    // https://github.com/bevry/badges
    "badges": {
        "list": [
        "config": {
            "patreonUsername": "bevry",
            "gratipayUsername": "bevry",
            "flattrUsername": "balupton",
            "paypalURL": "https://bevry.me/paypal",
            "bitcoinURL": "https://bevry.me/bitcoin",
            "wishlistURL": "https://bevry.me/wishlist",
            "slackinURL": "https://slack.bevry.me"

  // If you are using the projectz meta file, you can also define this field
  // it allows you to set the configuration for other package systems
  "packages": {
    "bower": {},
    "component": {},
    "jquery": {}

Readme Files

Projectz helps you maintain the following readme files:

It does this by reading them, and replacing comment tags with the appropriate data.

The following comment tags are supported:

As well as these comment tags for updating entire files:

As an example, here is a a basic README.md file:

<!-- TITLE -->
<!-- BADGES -->
<!-- INSTALL -->

## Usage

Complete API Documentation.

Usage instructions go here

<!-- HISTORY -->
<!-- BACKERS -->
<!-- LICENSE -->

This README is also, expectedly, built with projectz. View its source.

<!-- INSTALL/ -->



Install Globally

Install Locally


This package is published with the following editions:

<!-- /INSTALL --> <!-- HISTORY/ -->


Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md file.

<!-- /HISTORY --> <!-- BACKERS/ -->



Discover how to contribute via the CONTRIBUTING.md file.





<span class="badge-githubsponsors"><a href="https://github.com/sponsors/balupton" title="Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/github-donate-yellow.svg" alt="GitHub Sponsors donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-thanksdev"><a href="https://thanks.dev/u/gh/bevry" title="Donate to this project using ThanksDev"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/thanksdev-donate-yellow.svg" alt="ThanksDev donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-patreon"><a href="https://patreon.com/bevry" title="Donate to this project using Patreon"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/patreon-donate-yellow.svg" alt="Patreon donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-liberapay"><a href="https://liberapay.com/bevry" title="Donate to this project using Liberapay"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/liberapay-donate-yellow.svg" alt="Liberapay donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-buymeacoffee"><a href="https://buymeacoffee.com/balupton" title="Donate to this project using Buy Me A Coffee"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/buy%20me%20a%20coffee-donate-yellow.svg" alt="Buy Me A Coffee donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-opencollective"><a href="https://opencollective.com/bevry" title="Donate to this project using Open Collective"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/open%20collective-donate-yellow.svg" alt="Open Collective donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-crypto"><a href="https://bevry.me/crypto" title="Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/crypto-donate-yellow.svg" alt="crypto donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-paypal"><a href="https://bevry.me/paypal" title="Donate to this project using Paypal"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/paypal-donate-yellow.svg" alt="PayPal donate button" /></a></span>



<!-- /BACKERS --> <!-- LICENSE/ -->


Unless stated otherwise all works are:

and licensed under:

<!-- /LICENSE -->