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Dorothy is a dotfile ecosystem featuring:


Watch the 2023 November Presentation to see what Dorothy can do!

Screenshot of the 2022 April Presentation


Supported Platforms

Operating SystemArchitectureSupport
🍏 macOS🍏 Apple Silicon (ARM64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
🍏 macOS🍏 Apple on Intel (x86_64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver, πŸ€– CI
🍏 macOS🍏 Apple Silicon with HOMEBREW_ARCH="x86_64"πŸŒ— Monthly Driver
πŸͺŸ Windows 10/11 WSL2 UbuntuπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x86_64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
πŸ“ Raspberry Pi OS with DesktopπŸ“ Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 (ARM64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
πŸ“ Raspberry Pi OS LiteπŸ“ Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 (ARM64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver
⭕️ Ubuntu DesktopπŸ“ Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 (ARM64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
⭕️ Ubuntu DesktopπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x86_64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
⭕️ Ubuntu ServerπŸ“ Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 (ARM64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver
⭕️ Ubuntu ServerπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x86_64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver, πŸ€– CI
⭕️ Ubuntu Server5️⃣ StarFive’s VisionFive (RISC-V)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver
β–² Manjaro / ArchπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x86_64)πŸ‘Œ Daily Driver, πŸ€– CI
∞ Fedora WorkstationπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x84_64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver, πŸ€– CI
🦎 OpenSUSE Leap & TumbleweedπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x84_64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver, πŸ€– CI
β›° AlpineπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x84_64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver, πŸ€– CI
β›° Alpine🍏 Apple Silicon (ARM64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver
πŸ‰ KaliπŸ‘” Intel/AMD (x84_64)πŸŒ— Monthly Driver, πŸ€– CI

Other platforms may or may not be supported. Mageia, Nix, Gentoo are unsupported.



xcode-select --install

Windows 10/11:

# [Install WSL.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/wsl/install)
wsl --install
wsl --set-default-version 2
# note that [wsl --version] does not report WSL2, you need to do [wsl -l -v]

Ubuntu / Debian / Kali:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bash curl


dnf check-update
dnf --refresh --best install bash curl


zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
zypper install bash curl


doas apk update
doas apk add bash curl grep


pamac install bash curl


pacman-key --init
pacman --refresh --sync --needed bash curl


xbps-install --sync --update xbps
xbps-install --sync bash curl


You can trial Dorothy commands without configuring your shell.

To run a specific command in/from the Dorothy environment, enter the following, swapping out everything after the double-dash (--) with whatever command to run:

bash -ic "$(curl -fsSL https://dorothy.bevry.me/run)" -- echo-verbose -- a b c
# if your shell doesn't recognize any of the above syntax, run `bash -i` then try again

To run multiple commands in/from a Dorothy-configured REPL, enter the following line by line:

bash -ic "$(curl -fsSL https://dorothy.bevry.me/repl)"
# if your shell doesn't recognize any of the above syntax, run `bash -i` then try again

# now you can run whatever and how many commands as you'd like, such as:
echo-verbose -- a b c
echo-style --success=awesome

# once you are done, exit the trial environment


To install Dorothy enter the following in your favorite terminal application:

bash -ic "$(curl -fsSL https://dorothy.bevry.me/install)"
# if your shell doesn't recognize any of the above syntax, run `bash -i` then try again

During installation, Dorothy will ask you to create a repository to store your user configuration, such as a dotfiles repository. If you already have a dotfiles repository, you can use that, or make another.

Verify the installation worked by selecting a theme for Dorothy by running:

# you must open a new terminal instance first
dorothy theme
# then open a new terminal

To select your login shell, run setup-shell.


If packages are failing to install, go back to the "Prerequisites" section.

If your shell doesn't recognize any of the Dorothy commands (you get a command not found error, or an undefined/unbound variable error), then it could be that:

If you see unrecognised symbols, you probably require fonts. Once Dorothy is loaded, run setup-util-noto-emoji which installed Noto Emoji, a font for enabling emojis inside your terminal. For rendering glyphs, run setup-util-nerd-fonts which will prompt you for which Nerd Font to install. You may need to update your terminal preferences the installed fonts.


Dorothy Core

Dorothy installs itself to $DOROTHY, which defaults to the XDG location of ~/.local/share/dorothy, and consists of the following:

For each shell that you configured during the Dorothy installation (can be reconfigured via the dorothy install command), the configured shell performs the following steps when you open a new shell instance via your terminal:

  1. The shell loads Dorothy's initialization script:

  2. The initialization script will:

    1. Ensure the DOROTHY environment variable is set to the location of the Dorothy installation.

    2. If a login shell, it loads our login script sources/login.(bash|dash|elv|fish|ksh|nu|xsh|zsh), which will:

      1. Apply any configuration changes necessary for that login shell

      2. Load our environment script sources/environment.(bash|dash|elv|fish|ksh|nu|xsh|zsh), which will:

        1. Invoke commands/setup-environment-commands which determines and applies all necessary environment configuration changes to the shell. It loads your user/config(.local)/environment.bash configuration script for your own custom environment configuration that will be applied to all your login shells.
    3. If a login and interactive shell, it loads our interactive script sources/interactive.(bash|dash|elv|fish|ksh|nu|xsh|zsh), which will:

      1. Load your own user/config(.local)/interactive.(sh|bash|dash|elv|fish|ksh|nu|xsh|zsh) configuration script for your own interactive login shell configuration.
        • Elvish will only load interactive.elv if it exists.
        • Fish will load interactive.fish if it exists, otherwise it will load interactive.sh.
        • Nu will only load interactive.nu and it must exist.
        • Xonsh will only load interactive.xsh if it exists.
        • POSIX shells (Bash, Zsh, Dash, KSH, etc) will load their interactive.(bash|zsh|...etc) file if it exists, otherwise they will load interactive.sh if exists.
      2. Load any common alias and function utilities.
      3. Load our theme configuration.
      4. Load our ssh configuration.
      5. Load our autocomplete configuration.

This is the foundation that enables Dorothy's hundreds of commands to work across hundreds of machines, across dozens of operating system and shell combinations, seamlessly.

Dorothy User Configuration

Your user configuration goes to the XDG location of ~/.local/config/dorothy which Dorothy symlinks to ~/.local/share/dorothy/user, your user configuration consists of the following:

The order of preference within Dorothy is (commands|config).local first, then (commands|config), then Dorothy's own (commands|config) then everything else.

You can find the various configuration files that are available to you by browsing Dorothy's default config directory.


Use these sources to find inspiration for your own user commands and configuration.

After installing Dorothy, there will now a plethora of commands available to you. You can invoke any stable command with --help to learn more about it. The most prominent commands are noted below.

Stable commands:

Beta commands:


Stable commands:

Beta commands:


Beta commands:


Join the Bevry Software community to stay up-to-date on the latest Dorothy developments and to get in touch with the rest of the community.

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