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Powered by svelte-jsoneditor

πŸš€ Advantages

πŸ•Ή Demo

you can πŸ‘€ a live demo here

✳️ For Nuxt

You can use this module

β˜‘οΈ Installation

npm install vue3-ts-jsoneditor

βœ… Using

πŸ‘‰ Import globally

import {createApp} from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import {JsonEditorPlugin} from 'vue3-ts-jsoneditor';

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(JsonEditorPlugin, {
  componentName: '/componentName/', // Default: 'JsonEditor',
  options: {
     * */


🌎 Global options

interface JSONEditorOptions {
  readOnly?: boolean;
  indentation?: number | string;
  tabSize?: number;
  selection?: JSONEditorSelection;
  mode?: Mode;
  mainMenuBar?: boolean;
  navigationBar?: boolean;
  statusBar?: boolean;
  askToFormat?: boolean;
  escapeControlCharacters?: boolean;
  escapeUnicodeCharacters?: boolean;
  flattenColumns?: boolean;
  validator?: Validator;
  parser?: JSONParser;
  validationParser?: JSONParser;
  pathParser?: JSONPathParser;
  queryLanguagesIds?: QueryLanguageId[];
  queryLanguageId?: QueryLanguageId;
  onRenderValue?: OnRenderValue;
  onClassName?: OnClassName;
  onRenderMenu?: OnRenderMenu;
  height?: string | number;
  fullWidthButton?: boolean;
  darkTheme?: boolean;

type Mode = "text" | "tree" | "table";

type QueryLanguageId = 'javascript' | 'lodash' | 'jmespath';

Read more in svelte-jsoneditor properties <br>

πŸ‘‰ Import locally

<script setup>
  import JsonEditor from 'vue3-ts-jsoneditor';

πŸ‘‰ Use in template

// You can use the "v-model:json" and pass json value

// or you can use the "v-model:text" and pass json string


// or you can use the "v-model" and pass json value. "mode" should be "tree"!!!


// or you can use the "v-model" and pass json string. "mode" should be "text"!!!


<script setup lang="ts">
  import {ref} from 'vue';

  const jsonData = ref({
    array: [1, 2, 3],
    boolean: true,
    Null: null,
    number: 123,
    seconds: 0,
    object: {a: 'b', c: 'd'},
    string: 'Hello World',

  const jsonText = ref('{"array": [1, 2, 3]}');

  const queryLanguages = ref(['javascript', 'lodash', 'jmespath']);
  const onError = (error) => {

  const onFocus = () => {

  const onBlur = () => {

❗️❗️❗️ Important

If you want use v-model (not v-model:json or v-model:text) then the type of data depends on the mode of the editor. If mode="tree", then the data type in the model is JSON value, if mode="text", then the data type is JSON string. Please be aware that in text mode v-model can contain invalid JSON: whilst typing in text mode, a JSON document will be temporarily invalid, like when the user is typing a new string.

It is more clear to use v-model:json for tree mode and v-model:text for text mode.


β˜‘οΈ Slots

defaultSlot content displayed before the editor is rendered. Useful for SSR

β˜‘οΈ Props

json (v-model)JSON value<code>object | array | true | false | null | number | string</code>undefined
text (v-model)JSON string<code>string</code>undefined
modelValue (v-model)JSON value or JSON string<code>object | array | true | false | null | number | string</code>undefined
valueSame as modelValue<code>object | array | true | false | null | number | string</code>undefined
selection (v-model)The current selected contents. You can use two-way binding using bind:selection. The tree mode supports MultiSelection, KeySelection, ValueSelection, InsideSelection, or AfterSelection. The table mode supports ValueSelection, and text mode supports TextSelection.<code>JSONEditorSelection | null</code>null
modemode: 'tree', 'text' or 'table'. Open the editor in 'tree' mode (default), 'table' mode, or 'text' mode<code>string</code>'tree'
mainMenuBarShow the main menu bar. Default value is true.<code>boolean</code>true
navigationBarShow the navigation bar with, where you can see the selected path and navigate through your document from there.<code>boolean</code>true
statusBarShow a status bar at the bottom of the 'text' editor, showing information about the cursor location and selected contents.<code>boolean</code>true
askToFormatWhen true (default), the user will be asked whether he/she wants to format the JSON document when a compact document is loaded or pasted in 'text' mode. Only applicable to 'text' mode.<code>boolean</code>true
readOnlyOpen the editor in read-only mode: no changes can be made, non-relevant buttons are hidden from the menu, and the context menu is not enabled.<code>boolean</code>false
indentationNumber of spaces use for indentation when stringifying JSON, or a string to be used as indentation like '\t' to use a tab as indentation, or ' ' to use 4 spaces (which is equivalent to configuring indentation: 4). See also property tabSize.<code>number | string</code>4
tabSizeWhen indentation is configured as a tab character (indentation: '\t'), tabSize configures how large a tab character is rendered. Default value is 4. Only applicable to text mode.<code>number</code>4
escapeControlCharactersWhen true, control characters like newline and tab are rendered as escaped characters \n and \t. Only applicable for 'tree' mode, in 'text' mode control characters are always escaped.<code>boolean</code>false
escapeUnicodeCharactersWhen true, unicode characters like ☎ and πŸ˜€ are rendered escaped like \u260e and \ud83d\ude00<code>boolean</code>false
flattenColumnsOnly applicable to 'table' mode. When true, nested object properties will be displayed each in their own column, with the nested path as column name. When false, nested objects will be rendered inline, and double-clicking them will open them in a popup.<code>boolean</code>true
validatorValidate the JSON document. Details in svelte-jsoneditor<code>function (json: unknown): ValidationError[]</code>
parserConfigure a custom JSON parser, like lossless-json. By default, the native JSON parser of JavaScript is used. The JSON interface is an object with a parse and stringify function<code>JSONParser</code>undefined
validationParserOnly applicable when a validator is provided. This is the same as parser, except that this parser is used to parse the data before sending it to the validator. Configure a custom JSON parser that is used to parse JSON before passing it to the validator. By default, the built-in JSON parser is used. When passing a custom validationParser, make sure the output of the parser is supported by the configured validator.<code>JSONParser</code>undefined
pathParserAn optional object with a parse and stringify method to parse and stringify a JSONPath, which is an array with property names. The pathParser is used in the path editor in the navigation bar, which is opened by clicking the edit button on the right side of the navigation bar. The pathParser.parse function is allowed to throw an Error when the input is invalid. By default, a JSON Path notation is used, which looks like $.data[2].nested.property.<code>JSONPathParser</code>undefined
queryLanguagesIdsConfigure one or multiple query language that can be used in the Transform modal. The library comes with three languages: <code>javascript</code>, <code>lodash</code> or <code>jmespath</code><code>QueryLanguage[]</code>[javascript]
queryLanguageIdThe id of the currently selected query language <code>javascript</code>, <code>lodash</code> or <code>jmespath</code><code>string</code>
onClassNameAdd a custom class name to specific nodes, based on their path and/or value.<code>function (path: Path, value: any): string | undefined</code>
onRenderValueDetails in svelte-jsoneditor<code>function (props: RenderValueProps) : RenderValueComponentDescription[]</code>
onRenderMenuDetails in svelte-jsoneditor<code>function (items: MenuItem[], context: { mode: 'tree' | 'text' | 'table', modal: boolean }) : MenuItem[] | undefined</code>
fullWidthButtonWhether full screen switching is added<code>boolean</code>true
heightDefault height<code>string | number</code>undefined
darkThemeSwitch to dark theme<code>boolean</code>false

β˜‘οΈ Events

changeWhich is invoked on every change made in the JSON document. The parameter patchResult is only available in tree mode, and not in text mode, since a change in arbitrary text cannot be expressed as a JSON Patch document.(content: Content, previousContent: Content, patchResult: JSONPatchResult | null)
errorEvent fired when an error occurs. Default implementation is to log an error in the console and show a simple alert message to the user.(err: Error)
change-modeInvoked when the mode is changed.(mode: 'tree' | 'text' | 'table')
change-query-languageInvoked when the user changes the selected query language in the TransformModal via the configuration button top right.(queryLanguageId: string)
focusFired when the editor got focus.()
blurFired when the editor lost focus.()

β˜‘οΈ Use expose functions


    <button @click="onCollapse">collapse all</button>

    <button @click="onExpand">expand all</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
  import {ref} from 'vue';

  const jsonData = ref({
    array: [1, 2, 3],
    boolean: true,
    Null: null,
    number: 123,
    seconds: 0,
    object: {a: 'b', c: 'd'},
    string: 'Hello World',

  const editor = ref();

  const onCollapse = () => {

  const onExpand = () => {

πŸŸ₯🟧🟨🟩🟦πŸŸͺ️ Styling

The editor can be styled using the available CSS variables. A full list with all variables can be found here


<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from 'vue';

const jsonData = ref({
  array: [1, 2, 3],
  boolean: true,
  Null: null,
  number: 123,
  seconds: 0,
  object: {a: 'b', c: 'd'},
  string: 'Hello World',


.awesome-json-editor {
  /* define a custom theme color */
  /* over all fonts, sizes, and colors */
  --jse-font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu,
  Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
  /* "consolas" for Windows, "menlo" for Mac with fallback to "monaco", 'Ubuntu Mono' for Ubuntu */
  /* (at Mac this font looks too large at 14px, but 13px is too small for the font on Windows) */
  --jse-font-family-mono: consolas, menlo, monaco, 'Ubuntu Mono', 'source-code-pro', monospace;
  --jse-font-size-mono: 14px;
  --jse-font-size: 16px;
  --jse-font-size-text-mode-search: 80%;
  --jse-line-height: calc(1em + 4px);
  --jse-indent-size: calc(1em + 4px);
  --jse-color-picker-button-size: 1em;
  --jse-padding: 10px;
  --jse-theme-color: #3883fa;
  --jse-theme-color-highlight: #5f9dff;
  --jse-background-color: #fff;
  --jse-text-color: #4d4d4d;
  --jse-text-color-inverse: #fff;
  --jse-error-color: #ee5341;
  --jse-warning-color: #fdc539;

  /* main, menu, modal */
  --jse-main-border: 1px solid #d7d7d7;
  --jse-menu-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-menu-button-size: 32px;
  --jse-modal-background: #f5f5f5;
  --jse-modal-overlay-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  --jse-modal-code-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);

  /* panels: navigation bar, gutter, search box */
  --jse-panel-background: #ebebeb;
  --jse-panel-color: var(--jse-text-color);
  --jse-panel-color-readonly: #b2b2b2;
  --jse-panel-border: var(--jse-main-border);
  --jse-panel-button-color: inherit;
  --jse-panel-button-background: transparent;
  --jse-panel-button-color-highlight: var(--jse-text-color);
  --jse-panel-button-background-highlight: #e0e0e0;

  /* navigation-bar */
  --jse-navigation-bar-color: #656565;
  --jse-navigation-bar-background: var(--jse-background-color);
  --jse-navigation-bar-background-highlight: #e5e5e5;
  --jse-navigation-bar-dropdown-color: #656565;

  /* context menu */
  --jse-context-menu-background: #656565;
  --jse-context-menu-background-highlight: #7a7a7a;
  --jse-context-menu-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-context-menu-color-disabled: #9d9d9d;
  --jse-context-menu-separator-color: #7a7a7a;
  --jse-context-menu-button-background: var(--jse-context-menu-background);
  --jse-context-menu-button-background-highlight: var(--jse-context-menu-background-highlight);
  --jse-context-menu-button-color: var(--jse-context-menu-color);
  --jse-context-menu-button-size: calc(1em + 4px);
  --jse-context-menu-tip-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
  --jse-context-menu-tip-color: inherit;

  /* contents: json key and values */
  --jse-key-color: #1a1a1a;
  --jse-value-color: #1a1a1a;
  --jse-value-color-number: #ee422e;
  --jse-value-color-boolean: #ff8c00;
  --jse-value-color-null: #004ed0;
  --jse-value-color-string: #008000;
  --jse-value-color-url: #008000;
  --jse-delimiter-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38);
  --jse-edit-outline: 2px solid #656565;

  /* contents: selected or hovered */
  --jse-hover-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
  --jse-selection-background-color: #d3d3d3;
  --jse-selection-background-light-color: #e8e8e8;

  /* contents: section of collapsed items in an array */
  --jse-collapsed-items-background-color: #f5f5f5;
  --jse-collapsed-items-selected-background-color: #c2c2c2;
  --jse-collapsed-items-link-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38);
  --jse-collapsed-items-link-color-highlight: #ee5341;

  /* contents: highlighting of search matches */
  --jse-search-match-color: #ffe665;
  --jse-search-match-outline: 1px solid #ffd700;
  --jse-search-match-active-color: #ffd700;
  --jse-search-match-active-outline: 1px solid #e1be00;

  /* contents: inline tags inside the JSON document */
  --jse-tag-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  --jse-tag-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);

  /* controls in modals: inputs, buttons, and `a` */
  --jse-controls-box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
  --jse-input-background: var(--jse-background-color);
  --jse-input-background-readonly: transparent;
  --jse-input-border: 1px solid #d8dbdf;
  --jse-input-border-focus: 1px solid var(--jse-theme-color);
  --jse-input-radius: 3px;
  --jse-button-background: #e0e0e0;
  --jse-button-background-highlight: #e7e7e7;
  --jse-button-color: var(--jse-text-color);
  --jse-button-primary-background: var(--jse-theme-color);
  --jse-button-primary-background-highlight: var(--jse-theme-color-highlight);
  --jse-button-primary-background-disabled: #9d9d9d;
  --jse-button-primary-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-a-color: #156fc5;
  --jse-a-color-highlight: #0f508d;

  /* messages */
  --jse-message-error-background: var(--jse-error-color);
  --jse-message-error-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-message-warning-background: #ffde5c;
  --jse-message-warning-color: var(--jse-text-color);
  --jse-message-success-background: #9ac45d;
  --jse-message-success-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-message-info-background: #9d9d9d;
  --jse-message-info-color: var(--jse-text-color-inverse);
  --jse-message-action-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
  --jse-message-action-background-highlight: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);

  /* svelte-select */
  --itemIsActiveBG: #3883fa;
  --border: 1px solid #d8dbdf;
  --borderRadius: 3px;
  --background: #fff;

  /* color picker */
  --jse-color-picker-background: var(--jse-panel-background);
  --jse-color-picker-border-box-shadow: #cbcbcb 0 0 0 1px;

πŸ”¨Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build