

BSG Bladerunner

This repository tracks releases of the HammerBlade source code and infrastructure. It can be used to simulate HammerBlade Nodes of diverse sizes and memory types.

HammerBlade Overview

HammerBlade is an open-source manycore architecture for performing efficient computation on large general-purpose workloads. A HammerBlade is composed of nodes attached to a general purpose host, simliar to a general-purpose GPU. Each node is a single an array of tiles interconnected by a 2-D mesh network attached to a flexible memory system.

HammerBlade is a Single-Program, Multiple-Data (SPMD) architecture: All tiles execute the same program on a different set of input data to complete a larger computation kernel. Programs are written in the CUDA-Lite lanaguage (C/C++) and executed on the tiles in parallel "groups", and sequential "grids". The CUDA-Lite host runtime (C/C++) manages execution parallel and sequential execution.

The HammerBlade is being integrated with higher-level parallel frameworks and Domain-Specific Languages. A Pytorch Pytorch backend is being developed to accelerate Machine Learning and a Graphit code-generator is being developed to support Graph Computations.

C/C++, Python, and Pytorch programs can interact with a Cooperatively Simulated (Cosimulated) HammerBlade Node using Synopysis VCS or Verilator. The HammerBlade Runtime and Cosimulation top levels are in BSG Replicant repository.

For a more in-depth overview of the HammerBlade architecture, see the HammerBlade Overview.

The architectural HDL for HammerBlade is in the BSG Manycore Repository and the BaseJump STL repositories. For technical details about the HammerBlade architecture, see the HammerBlade Technical Reference Manual

To run applications on HammerBlade follow the instructions below:


CAD Tools

The Makefiles will warn/fail if it cannot find the appropriate tools.


Building the RISC-V Toolchain requires several distribution packages. The following are required for CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:

libmpc autoconf automake libtool curl gmp gawk bison flex texinfo gperf expat-devel dtc cmake3 python3-devel

On debian-based distributions, the following packages are required:

libmpc-dev autoconf automake libtool curl libgmp-dev gawk bison flex texinfo gperf libexpat-dev device-tree-compiler cmake build-essential python3-dev

Setup: VCS

Non Bespoke Silicon Group (BSG) users MUST have VCS installed on PATH before these steps

The default VCS environment simulates the manycore architecture, without any closed-source or encrypted IP.

  1. Add SSH Keys to your GitHub account.

  2. Initialize the submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive

  3. (BSG Users Only: git clone git@github.com:bespoke-silicon-group/bsg_cadenv.git)

  4. Run make -f amibuild.mk riscv-tools

Setup: Verilator (Beta)

Verilator simulates the HammerBlade architecture using C/C++ transpilation.

  1. Add SSH Keys to your GitHub account.

  2. Initialize the submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive

  3. Run make verilator-exe

  4. Run make -f amibuild.mk riscv-tools


See bsg_replicant/README.md

Makefile targets

Repository File List


AWS FPGA support has been deprecated, though the files remain for posterity.