


@voicybot main repository

This repository contains the code for one of the most popular bots I've ever built for Telegram — @voicybot. It automatically converts all the audio messages to text when added to a group chat. Please, feel free to fork, add features and create pull requests so that everybody (over 12 000 000 people) can experience the features you've built.

You can also help by translating the bot to other languages or fixing some texts in existing languages by modifying the locales folder or at localize.borodutch.com.

List of repositories

Installation and local launch

  1. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/backmeupplz/voicy
  2. Launch a mongo database locally
  3. Create .env file with the environment variables listed below
  4. Install ffmpeg on your machine
  5. Run yarn in the root folder
  6. Run yarn start

Environment variables in .env file

MONGOURI for the mongo database used
TOKENTelegram bot token
SALTRandom salt to generate various encrypted stuff
ADMIN_IDChat id of the person who shall receive valuable logs
WIT_LANGUAGESA map of language names to Wit.ai tokens
ENVIRONMENTApp environment, can be development, defaults to production

See examples in .env.sample file.

Continuous integration

Any commit pushed to main gets deployed to @voicybot via CI Ninja.


MIT — use for any purpose. Would be great if you could leave a note about the original developers. Thanks!

As seen on

Habrahabr Spark Reddit Bot Store Product Hunt