

squeeze GitHub Actions

squeeze enables to extract rich information from any text (raw, JSON, HTML, YAML, etc).

Currently supported:

See integrations for some practical uses. Continue reading for the install and getting started instructions.


Using git

This method requires the Rust toolchain to be installed on your machine.

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/aymericbeaumet/squeeze.git /tmp/squeeze
cargo install --path=/tmp/squeeze/squeeze-cli

Getting Started

Let's start by extracting a URL, squeeze expects the text to be searched on its standard input, with the results being placed on its standard output:

echo 'lorem https://github.com ipsum' | squeeze -1 --url

The -1 flag allows to immediately abort after one result has been found.

If you want to print all the URLs, just omit the -1 flag:

squeeze --url << EOF
this a domain: github.com, but this is a url: https://aymericbeaumet.com
this is some markdown: [link](https://wikipedia.com)

It is also possible to extract other types of information, like codetags (TODO:, FIXME:, etc). The usage remains very similar:

squeeze --codetag=todo << EOF
// TODO: implement the main function
fn main {}
TODO: implement the main function

Note that for convenience some aliases are defined. In this case, you can use --todo instead of --codetag=todo. In the same vein, --url is an alias to limit the search to specific URI schemes.

It is possible to enable several finders at the same time, they will be run sequentially for each line:

squeeze --uri=http,https --codetag=todo,fixme << EOF
// TODO: update with a better example
// FIXME: all of https://github.com/aymericbeaumet/squeeze/issues
// Some random comment to be ignored
TODO: update with a better example
FIXME: all of https://github.com/aymericbeaumet/squeeze/issues

This getting started should give you an overview of what's possible with squeeze. Have a look at all the possibilities with squeeze --help.


Integrations with some popular tools.


Press Enter in visual mode to extract the first URL from the current selection and open it:

" ~/.vimrc
vnoremap <silent> <CR> :<C-U>'<,'>w !squeeze -1 --url --open<CR><CR>


Press Enter in copy mode to extract the first URL from the current selection and open it:

# ~/.tmux.conf
bind -T copy-mode-vi enter send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "squeeze -1 --url --open"

shell (bash, zsh)

Define a urls function to list all the URLs in your shell history:

# ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc
urls() { fc -rl 1 | squeeze --url | sort -u; }


Run binary

echo 'http://localhost' | cargo run -- --url

Run tests

cargo test
watchexec --clear --restart 'cargo test'