

The AWS Mobile SDK for Xamarin - DEVELOPER PREVIEW Released

UPDATE 07/28/2015:

The AWS Mobile SDK Xamarin Beta has been updated to an official Developer Preview release and can be located as a part of the AWS .NET SDK. The Source is located https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net. With the update and migration of the AWS Mobile SDK for Xamarin into the AWS .NET SDK it has also been modularized by services, therefore the NuGet packages for the individual AWS services can be retrieved here: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net#nuget-packages This SDK repo is now for historical purposes only and was last updated 05/2015. For current AWS Xamarin SDK functionality, please leverage links and information provided at links above.

We are making the AWS Mobile SDK for Xamarin available as a beta for you to evaluate and provide us feedback. Now you can use Xamarin to build cross platform apps that use AWS services for identity management (Amazon Cognito), cloud storage (Amazon S3), a fully-managed NoSQL database (Amazon DynamoDB), and push notifications (Amazon SNS Mobile Push).

The SDK is available on AWSLabs here and is in early stage development. The current version of the SDK (v3) has been updated to provide more features and services for evaluation. We plan to make improvements based on your feedback, so be sure to let us know if you have questions, issues or ideas here.



Here are some resources that can help you get started: