

Authlete Common Library for Java


This is a wrapper library for Authlete Web APIs.

Authlete is a cloud service that provides an implementation of OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect (overview). By using the Web APIs provided by Authlete, you can build a DB-less authorization server. "DB-less" here means that you don't have to prepare a database server that stores authorization data (e.g. access tokens), settings of authorization servers and settings of client applications. These data are stored in the Authlete server on cloud.

java-oauth-server is the reference implementation of an authorization server written using this library and authlete-java-jaxrs library. It is a good starting point for your own authorization server implementation.


Apache License, Version 2.0

JSON files under src/test/resources/ekyc-ida have been copied from https://bitbucket.org/openid/ekyc-ida/src/master/examples/response/ . Regarding their license, ask the eKYC-IDA WG of OpenID Foundation.



Please refer to the CHANGES.md file to know the latest version to write in place of ${authlete-java-common.version}.

Source Code




<code>https://authlete.github.io/authlete-java-common/index.html?overview-summary.html</code> [FRAMES]


How To Get AuthleteApi

All the methods to communicate with Authlete Web APIs are gathered in AuthleteApi interface. To get an implementation of the interface, you need to call create() method of AuthleteApiFactory class. There are two variants of the method as shown below.

public static AuthleteApi
    create(AuthleteConfiguration configuration);

public static AuthleteApi
    create(AuthleteConfiguration configuration, String className);

As you can see, both methods take AuthleteConfiguration as their first argument. AuthleteConfiguration is an interface that holds configuration values to access Authlete Web APIs such as the URL of Authlete server and API credentials of a service. To be concrete, the interface has the following methods.

MethodAuthlete VersionDescription
getBaseUrl()CommonURL of Authlete server
getServiceApiKey()CommonAPI key of a service
getServiceApiSecret()Up to version 2.xAPI secret of a service
getServiceOwnerApiKey()Up to version 2.xAPI key of your account
getServiceOwnerApiSecret()Up to version 2.xAPI secret of your account
getApiVersion()Since version 3.0API version
getServiceAccessToken()Since version 3.0API access token

authlete-java-common library includes three implementations of AuthleteConfiguration interface as listed below.

AuthleteEnvConfigurationConfiguration via environment variables
AuthletePropertiesConfigurationConfiguration via a properties file
AuthleteSimpleConfigurationConfiguration via POJO

You can use one of these or create your own implementation of the interface. In either case, you can get an implementation of AuthleteApi interface by passing an AuthleteConfiguration instance to create() method of AuthleteApiFactory class.

In summary, the flow to get an implementation of AuthleteApi becomes like below.

// Prepare an instance of AuthleteConfiguration interface.
AuthleteConfiguration configuration = ...;

// Get an instance of AuthleteApi interface.
AuthleteApi api = AuthleteApiFactory.create(configuration);

If you want to do it in an easier way, use AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi() method. This method searches the file system and the classpath for a properties file named authlete.properties and loads the content of the file using AuthletePropertiesConfiguration class.

// Search the file system and the classpath for "authlete.properties".
AuthleteApi api = AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi();

AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi() method caches the search result, so you can call the method as many times as you like without worrying about the overhead of file loading.


Among the three implementations of AuthleteConfiguration interface, this section explains AuthletePropertiesConfiguration class.

AuthletePropertiesConfiguration class provides a mechanism to use a properties file to set configuration values to access Authlete Web APIs. The class searches the file system and the classpath for a specified file.

Valid property keys in a properties file and their meanings are as follows.

Property KeyDescription
base_urlURL of Authlete server
service.api_keyAPI key of a service
service.api_secretAPI secret of a service
service.api_secret.encryptedEncrypted API secret of a service
service_owner.api_keyAPI key of your account
service_owner.api_secretAPI secret of your account
service_owner.api_secret.encryptedEncrypted API secret of your account
api_versionAPI version. "V3" for Authlete 3.0
service.access_tokenAPI access token

If you don't want to write API secrets in plain text, use *.api_secret.encrypted keys instead of *.api_secret keys. You can set encrypted secrets to the *.encrypted keys. But in this case, you have to pass the encryption key and the initial vector to a constructor of AuthletePropertiesConfiguration so that the loader can decode the encrypted values. See the JavaDoc for details.

AuthleteApi Implementation

Since version 2.0, authlete-java-common library includes an implementation of AuthleteApi interface using HttpURLConnection. Before version 2.0, authlete-java-jaxrs which contains an implementation of AuthleteApi was additionally needed.

AuthleteApiFactory.create() method searches known locations for an AuthleteApi implementation and loads one using reflection. The reason to use reflection is to avoid depending on specific implementations (e.g. JAX-RS based implementation in authlete-java-jaxrs).

As of this writing, known implementations of AuthleteApi interface are as follows.

  1. com.authlete.jaxrs.api.AuthleteApiImpl (in authlete-java-jaxrs)
  2. com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiImpl (in authlete-java-common)

AuthleteApiFactory checks existence of the above classes in this order.

AuthleteApi Settings

getSettings() method of AuthleteApi interface has been available since the version 2.9. By configuring the instance returned by the method, you can change behaviours of the implementation of AuthleteApi interface.


// An implementation of AuthleteApi interface.
AuthleteApi api = ...;

// Get the instance which holds settings of the AuthleteApi implementation.
Settings settings = api.getSettings();

// Set a connection timeout in milliseconds.
//   Note:
//     There is no standard way to set a connection timeout value
//     before JAX-RS API 2.1 (which is a part of Java EE 8).
//     Therefore, if authlete-java-jaxrs is used as AuthleteApi
//     implementation and if the JAX-RS Client implementation is
//     not supported by the implementation of setConnectionTimeout()
//     of authlete-java-jaxrs, the value given to setConnectionTimeout()
//     won't have any effect. See README in authlete-java-jaxrs
//     for details.

// Set a read timeout in milliseconds.
//   Note:
//     There is no standard way to set a read timeout value before
//     JAX-RS API 2.1 (which is a part of Java EE 8). Therefore,
//     if authlete-java-jaxrs is used as AuthleteApi implementation
//     and if the JAX-RS Client implementation is not supported by
//     the implementation of setReadTimeout() of authlete-java-jaxrs,
//     the value given to setReadTimeout() won't have any effect.
//     See README in authlete-java-jaxrs for details.

AuthleteApi Method Categories

Methods in AuthleteApi interface can be divided into some categories.

  1. Methods for Authorization Endpoint Implementation
  1. Methods for Token Endpoint Implementation
  1. Methods for Service Management
  1. Methods for Client Application Management
  1. Methods for Access Token Introspection
  1. Methods for Revocation Endpoint Implementation
  1. Methods for User Info Endpoint Implementation
  1. Methods for JWK Set Endpoint Implementation
  1. Methods for OpenID Connect Discovery
  1. Methods for Token Operations
  1. Methods for Requestable Scopes per Client (deprecated; Client APIs suffice)
  1. Methods for Records of Granted Scopes
  1. Methods for Authorization Management on a User-Client Combination Basis
  1. Methods for JOSE
  1. Methods for CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication)
  1. Methods for OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration
  1. Methods for Device Flow
  1. Methods for Pushed Authorization Requests
  1. Methods for Grant Management for OAuth 2.0
  1. Methods for OpenID Connect Federation 1.0
  1. Methods for Verifiable Credentials


The following code snippet is an example to get the list of your existing services. Each service corresponds to an authorization server.

// Get an implementation of AuthleteApi interface.
AuthleteApi api = AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi();

// Get the list of services.
ServiceListResponse response = api.getServiceList();

Authlete Version

Some APIs and features don't work (even if they are defined in the AuthleteApi interface) if Authlete API server you use doesn't support them. For example, CIBA works only in Authlete 2.1 onwards. Please contact us if you want to use newer Authlete versions.

Features available in Authlete 2.0 and onwards:

Features available in Authlete 2.1 and onwards:

See Spec Sheet for further details.


You can write an authorization server using the methods in AuthleteApi interface only, but the task will become much easier if you use utility classes in authlete-java-jaxrs library. See java-oauth-server for an example of an authorization server implementation written using the utility classes.

See Also


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