

Running D-Tale in Binder

This repo can be used an example for how to use D-Tale within a Binder environment.

The main things to note are:

I've provided an example of a notebook that uses D-Tale here

If D-Tale does not display in the output underneath your notebook cell then be sure to check the value of your instance's _main_url. For example:

import dtale
import dtale.app as dtale_app
import pandas as pd


d = dtale.show(pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5]))

The output of that value should get appended to the host of your Binder notebook to view D-Tale. Currently the Binder host is https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org so ideally you would just need to concatenate that hostname to the value of _main_url and paste that value in a new browser tab to view D-Tale. Please submit bugs to the D-Tale repo if that's not the case.