

⚠ Deprecation Notice 24.01 announcement: NCHW data format specific optimizations will gradually be removed from the code base in future releases. The implication of this is that the user is expected to translate NCHW models into NHWC in order to benefit from the optimizations.

<br> <div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary/gh-pages/ACL_logo.png"/><br><br> </div>

Compute Library

The Compute Library is a collection of low-level machine learning functions optimized for Arm® Cortex®-A, Arm® Neoverse® and Arm® Mali™ GPUs architectures.<br>

The library provides superior performance to other open source alternatives and immediate support for new Arm® technologies e.g. SVE2.

Key Features:




Note: The documentation includes the reference API, changelogs, build guide, contribution guide, errata, etc.


Pre-built binaries

All the binaries can be downloaded from here or from the tables below.

PlatformOperating SystemRelease archive (Download)
Raspberry Pi 4Linux® 32bit
Raspberry Pi 4Linux® 64bit
Odroid N2Linux® 64bit
HiKey960Linux® 64bit
ArchitectureOperating SystemRelease archive (Download)

Please refer to the following link for more pre-built binaries:

Pre-build binaries are generated with the following security / good coding practices related flags:

-Wall, -Wextra, -Wformat=2, -Winit-self, -Wstrict-overflow=2, -Wswitch-default, -Woverloaded-virtual, -Wformat-security, -Wctor-dtor-privacy, -Wsign-promo, -Weffc++, -pedantic, -fstack-protector-strong

Supported Architectures/Technologies


Supported Systems




Experimental builds

⚠ Important Bazel and CMake builds are experimental CPU only builds, please see the documentation for more details.


How to contribute

Contributions to the Compute Library are more than welcome. If you are interested on contributing, please have a look at our how to contribute guidelines.

Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Before the Compute Library accepts your contribution, you need to certify its origin and give us your permission. To manage this process we use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) V1.1 (https://developercertificate.org/)

To indicate that you agree to the the terms of the DCO, you "sign off" your contribution by adding a line with your name and e-mail address to every git commit message:

Signed-off-by: John Doe <john.doe@example.org>

You must use your real name, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are accepted.

Public mailing list

For technical discussion, the ComputeLibrary project has a public mailing list: acl-dev@lists.linaro.org The list is open to anyone inside or outside of Arm to self subscribe. In order to subscribe, please visit the following website: https://lists.linaro.org/mailman3/lists/acl-dev.lists.linaro.org/


License and Contributions

The software is provided under MIT license. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license.

Other Projects

This project contains code from other projects as listed below. The original license text is included in those source files.


Trademarks and Copyrights

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

Arm, Cortex, Mali and Neon are registered trademarks or trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.

Bazel is a trademark of Google LLC., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

CMake is a trademark of Kitware, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Tizen is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.

Windows® is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.