


Build Status

A universal Python library for detecting and/or filtering profane words.

<b>PyPI:</b> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/profanityfilter<br> <b>Doc:</b> https://areebbeigh.github.io/profanityfilter/


> pip install profanityfilter


from profanityfilter import ProfanityFilter

pf = ProfanityFilter()

pf.censor("That's bullshit!")
> "That's ********!"
pf.censor("That's bullshit!")
> "That's @@@@@@@@!"
pf.define_words(["icecream", "choco"])
pf.censor("I love icecream and choco!")
> "I love ******** and *****"
pf.is_clean("That's awesome!")
> True
pf.is_clean("That's bullshit!")
> False
pf.is_profane("Profane shit is not good")
> True

pf_custom = ProfanityFilter(custom_censor_list=["chocolate", "orange"])
pf_custom.censor("Fuck orange chocolates")
> "Fuck ****** **********"

pf_extended = ProfanityFilter(extra_censor_list=["chocolate", "orange"])
pf_extended.censor("Fuck orange chocolates")
> "**** ****** **********"

Console Executable

profanityfilter -h
> usage: profanityfilter-script.py [-h] [-t TEXT | -f PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
>                                  [--show]
> Profanity filter console utility
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>   -t TEXT, --text TEXT  Test the given text for profanity
>   -f PATH, --file PATH  Test the given file for profanity
>   -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output OUTPUT_FILE
>                         Write the censored output to a file
>   --show                Print the censored text


I encourage you to fork this repo and expand it in anyway you like. Pull requests are welcomed!

Additional Info

Developer: Areeb Beigh areebbeigh@gmail.com<br> GitHub Repo: https://github.com/areebbeigh/profanityfilter/