


The paper detailing Tensorflex was presented at NeurIPS/NIPS 2018 as part of the MLOSS workshop. The paper can be found here.

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How to run

{:tensorflex, "~> 0.1.2"}

In case you want the latest development version use this:

{:tensorflex, github: "anshuman23/tensorflex"}


Tensorflex contains three main structs which handle different datatypes. These are %Graph, %Matrix and %Tensor. %Graph type structs handle pre-trained graph models, %Matrix handles Tensorflex 2-D matrices, and %Tensor handles Tensorflow Tensor types. The official Tensorflow documentation is present here and do note that this README only briefly discusses Tensorflex functionalities.


Examples are generally added in full description on my blog here. A blog post covering how to do classification on the Iris Dataset is present here.


Here we will briefly touch upon how to use the Google V3 Inception pre-trained graph model to do image classficiation from over a 1000 classes. First, the Inception V3 model can be downloaded here: http://download.tensorflow.org/models/image/imagenet/inception-2015-12-05.tgz

After unzipping, see that it contains the graphdef .pb file (classify_image_graphdef.pb) which contains our graph definition, a test jpeg image that should identify/classify as a panda (cropped_panda.pb) and a few other files I will detail later.

Now for running this in Tensorflex first the graph is loaded:

iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph("classify_image_graph_def.pb")
2018-07-29 00:48:19.849870: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_util.cc:346] Op BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization().
   def: #Reference<0.2597534446.2498625538.211058>,
   name: "classify_image_graph_def.pb"

Then the cropped_panda image is loaded using the new load_image_as_tensor function:

iex(2)> {:ok, input_tensor} = Tensorflex.load_image_as_tensor("cropped_panda.jpg")
   datatype: :tf_uint8,
   tensor: #Reference<0.2597534446.2498625538.211093>

Then create the output tensor which will hold out output vector values. For the inception model, the output is received as a 1008x1 tensor, as there are 1008 classes in the model:

iex(3)> out_dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[1008,1]])
  data: #Reference<0.2597534446.2498625538.211103>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(4)> {:ok, output_tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor_alloc(out_dims)
   datatype: :tf_float,
   tensor: #Reference<0.2597534446.2498625538.211116>

Then the output results are read into a list called results. Also, the input operation in the Inception model is DecodeJpeg and the output operation is softmax:

iex(5)> results = Tensorflex.run_session(graph, input_tensor, output_tensor, "DecodeJpeg", "softmax")
2018-07-29 00:51:13.631154: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
  [1.059142014128156e-4, 2.8240500250831246e-4, 8.30648496048525e-5,
   1.2982363114133477e-4, 7.32232874725014e-5, 8.014426566660404e-5,
   6.63459359202534e-5, 0.003170756157487631, 7.931600703159347e-5,
   3.707312498590909e-5, 3.0997329304227605e-5, 1.4232713147066534e-4,
   1.0381334868725389e-4, 1.1057958181481808e-4, 1.4321311027742922e-4,
   1.203602587338537e-4, 1.3130248407833278e-4, 5.850398520124145e-5,
   2.641105093061924e-4, 3.1629020668333396e-5, 3.906813799403608e-5,
   2.8646905775531195e-5, 2.2863158665131778e-4, 1.2222197256051004e-4,
   5.956588938715868e-5, 5.421260357252322e-5, 5.996063555357978e-5,
   4.867801326327026e-4, 1.1005574924638495e-4, 2.3433618480339646e-4,
   1.3062104699201882e-4, 1.317620772169903e-4, 9.388553007738665e-5,
   7.076268957462162e-5, 4.281177825760096e-5, 1.6863139171618968e-4,
   9.093972039408982e-5, 2.611844101920724e-4, 2.7584232157096267e-4,
   5.157176201464608e-5, 2.144951868103817e-4, 1.3628098531626165e-4,
   8.007588621694595e-5, 1.7929042223840952e-4, 2.2831936075817794e-4,
   6.216531619429588e-5, 3.736453436431475e-5, 6.782123091397807e-5,
   1.1538144462974742e-4, ...]

Finally, we need to find which class has the maximum probability and identify it's label. Since results is a List of Lists, it's better to read in the nested list. Then we need to find the index of the element in the new list which as the maximum value. Therefore:

iex(6)> max_prob = List.flatten(results) |> Enum.max

iex(7)> Enum.find_index(results |> List.flatten, fn(x) -> x == max_prob end)

We can thus see that the class with the maximum probability predicted (0.8849328756332397) for the image is 169. We will now find what the 169 label corresponds to. For this we can look back into the unzipped Inception folder, where there is a file called imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt. On opening this file, we can find the string class identifier for the 169 class index. This is n02510455 and is present on Line 1556 in the file. Finally, we need to match this string identifier to a set of identification labels by referring to the file imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt file. Here we can see that corresponding to the string class n02510455 the human labels are giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Line 3691 in the file).

Thus, we have correctly identified the animal in the image as a panda using Tensorflex!


A brief idea of what this example entails:

To do sentiment analysis in Tensorflex however, we first need to do some preprocessing and prepare the graph model (.pb) as done multiple times before in other examples. For that, in the examples/rnn-lstm-example directory there are two scripts: freeze.py and create_input_data.py. Prior to explaining the working of these scripts you first need to download the original saved models as well as the datasets:

Now, for the Python two scripts: freeze.py and create_input_data.py:

Both of these get converted to two files inputMatrixPositive.csv and inputMatrixNegative.csv (by create_input_data.py) which we load into Tensorflex next.

Inference in Tensorflex: Now we do sentiment analysis in Tensorflex. A few things to note:

iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "examples/rnn-lstm-example/model/frozen_model_lstm.pb"
   def: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.11558>,
   name: "examples/rnn-lstm-example/model/frozen_model_lstm.pb"

iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph
["Placeholder_1", "embedding_lookup/params_0", "embedding_lookup",
 "transpose/perm", "transpose", "rnn/Shape", "rnn/strided_slice/stack",
 "rnn/strided_slice/stack_1", "rnn/strided_slice/stack_2", "rnn/strided_slice",
 "rnn/stack/1", "rnn/stack", "rnn/zeros/Const", "rnn/zeros", "rnn/stack_1/1",
 "rnn/stack_1", "rnn/zeros_1/Const", "rnn/zeros_1", "rnn/Shape_1",
 "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack", "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack_1",
 "rnn/strided_slice_2/stack_2", "rnn/strided_slice_2", "rnn/time",
 "rnn/TensorArray", "rnn/TensorArray_1", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/Shape",
 "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/strided_slice", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range/start",
 "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range/delta", "rnn/TensorArrayUnstack/range",
 "rnn/while/Enter", "rnn/while/Enter_1", "rnn/while/Enter_2",
 "rnn/while/Enter_3", "rnn/while/Merge", "rnn/while/Merge_1",
 "rnn/while/Merge_2", "rnn/while/Merge_3", "rnn/while/Less/Enter",
 "rnn/while/Less", "rnn/while/LoopCond", "rnn/while/Switch",
 "rnn/while/Switch_1", "rnn/while/Switch_2", "rnn/while/Switch_3", ...]

First we will try for positive sentiment:

iex(3)> input_vals = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("examples/rnn-lstm-example/inputMatrixPositive.csv", header: :false)
  data: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.13138>,
  ncols: 250,
  nrows: 24

iex(4)> input_dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[24,250]])
  data: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.13575>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(5)> {:ok, input_tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor(input_vals, input_dims)
   datatype: :tf_int32,
   tensor: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.14434>

iex(6)> output_dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[24,2]])
  data: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.14870>,
  ncols: 2,
  nrows: 1

iex(7)> {:ok, output_tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor_alloc(output_dims)
   datatype: :tf_float,
   tensor: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.15363>

We only need the first row, the rest do not indicate anything:

iex(8)> [result_pos | _ ] = Tensorflex.run_session(graph, input_tensor,output_tensor, "Placeholder_1", "add")
  [4.483788013458252, -1.273943305015564],
  [-0.17151066660881042, -2.165886402130127],
  [0.9569928646087646, -1.131581425666809],
  [0.5669126510620117, -1.3842089176177979],
  [-1.4346938133239746, -4.0750861167907715],
  [0.4680981934070587, -1.3494354486465454],
  [1.068990707397461, -2.0195648670196533],
  [3.427264451980591, 0.48857203125953674],
  [0.6307879686355591, -2.069119691848755],
  [0.35061028599739075, -1.700657844543457],
  [3.7612719535827637, 2.421398878097534],
  [2.7635951042175293, -0.7214710116386414],
  [1.146680235862732, -0.8688814640045166],
  [0.8996094465255737, -1.0183486938476563],
  [0.23605018854141235, -1.893072247505188],
  [2.8790698051452637, -0.37355837225914],
  [-1.7325369119644165, -3.6470277309417725],
  [-1.687785029411316, -4.903762340545654],
  [3.6726789474487305, 0.14170047640800476],
  [0.982108473777771, -1.554244875907898],
  [2.248904228210449, 1.0617655515670776],
  [0.3663095533847809, -3.5266385078430176],
  [-1.009346604347229, -2.901120901107788],
  [3.0659966468811035, -1.7605335712432861]

iex(9)> result_pos
[4.483788013458252, -1.273943305015564]

Thus we can clearly see that the RNN predicts a positive sentiment. For a negative sentiment, next:

iex(10)> input_vals = Tensorflex.load_csv_as_matrix("examples/rnn-lstm-example/inputMatrixNegative.csv", header: :false)
  data: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.16780>,
  ncols: 250,
  nrows: 24

iex(11)> {:ok, input_tensor} = Tensorflex.int32_tensor(input_vals,input_dims)
   datatype: :tf_int32,
   tensor: #Reference<0.713975820.1050542081.16788>

iex(12)> [result_neg|_] = Tensorflex.run_session(graph, input_tensor,output_tensor, "Placeholder_1", "add")
  [0.7635725736618042, 10.895986557006836],
  [2.205151319503784, -0.6267685294151306],
  [3.5995595455169678, -0.1240251287817955],
  [-1.6063352823257446, -3.586883068084717],
  [1.9608432054519653, -3.084211826324463],
  [3.772461414337158, -0.19421455264091492],
  [3.9185996055603027, 0.4442034661769867],
  [3.010765552520752, -1.4757057428359985],
  [3.23650860786438, -0.008513949811458588],
  [2.263028144836426, -0.7358709573745728],
  [0.206748828291893, -2.1945853233337402],
  [2.913491725921631, 0.8632720708847046],
  [0.15935257077217102, -2.9757845401763916],
  [-0.7757357358932495, -2.360766649246216],
  [3.7359719276428223, -0.7668198347091675],
  [2.2896337509155273, -0.45704856514930725],
  [-1.5497230291366577, -4.42919921875],
  [-2.8478822708129883, -5.541027545928955],
  [1.894787073135376, -0.8441318273544312],
  [0.15720489621162415, -2.699129819869995],
  [-0.18114641308784485, -2.988100051879883],
  [3.342879056930542, 2.1714375019073486],
  [2.906526565551758, 0.18969044089317322],
  [0.8568912744522095, -1.7559258937835693]
iex(13)> result_neg
[0.7635725736618042, 10.895986557006836]

Thus we can clearly see that in this case the RNN indicates negative sentiment! Our model works!

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