wdbgark - WinDBG Anti-RootKit Extension
MEX - Mex External - MEX Debugging Extension for WinDbg can help you simplify common debugger tasks, and provides powerful text filtering capabilities to the debugger.
SwishDbgExt - Incident Response & Digital Forensics Debugging Extension
DBGkit - DbgKit is the first GUI extension for Debugging Tools for Windows (WinDbg, KD, CDB, NTSD). download
Patterns Debugger Extension DLL - Patterns Debugger Extension DLL. download
poolinfo - kernel pool windbg extension
findpg - Windbg extension to find PatchGuard pages
windbg-extensions - Various extensions for WinDbg (tracer, WCT,,, traverse_map.script, traverse_vector.script, cmdtree.txt)
windbg_hilight - A windbg plugin to hilight text in Disassembly and Command windows. Support x86 and x64.
windbg_to_c - Translates WinDbg "dt" structure dump to a C structure
pykd - This project can help to automate debugging and crash dump analysis using Python. It allows one to take the best from both worlds: the expressiveness and convenience of Python with the power of WinDbg!
PYKD - This contains Helpful PYKD (Python Extension for Windbg) scripts
windbg-plugins - heap_trace
0cchext - 0CCh Windbg extension. (assemble, hwnd, dlsym, bing)
DbgExt - Debugger extension for the Debugging Tools for Windows (WinDbg, KD, CDB, NTSD).
tokenext - A windbg extension, extracting token related contents
PyExt - WinDbg Extensions for Python
Reverse-Engineering-Arsenal - Useful Scripts for helping in reverse engeenering
ApiMon - A simple API monitor for Windbg
win32kext - windbg plugin for win32k debugging
grep - Grep-like WinDbg extension
lldext - LLD WinDbg extension(injectdll)
luadbg - Lua Extension for Windbg
DebuggingExtensions - Host of debugging-related extensions such as post-mortem tools or WinDBG extensions
scriptext - WinDbg scripting language utilities.
IDA2Sym - IDAScript to create Symbol file which can be loaded in WinDbg via AddSyntheticSymbol
windbg-extensions - Extensions for the new WinDbg
windbgshark - Automatically exported from, Windbgshark: the unified traffic instrumentation tool
windbg-trace - Use WinDBG to trace the Windows API calls of any Portable Executable file
Windbg-Scripts - practical-reverse-engineering
Windbg2Struct - Takes a Windbg dumped structure (using the 'dt' command) and formats it into a C structure
windbg2ida - Import debugging traces from WinDBG into IDA. Color the graph, fill in the value of all the operands, etc.
Tool-Windbg-Pykd-Scripts - Pykd scripts collection for Windbg
dotNET_WinDBG - This python script is designed to automate .NET analysis with WinDBG. It can be used to analyse a PowerShell script or to unpack a binary packed using a .NET packer.
pegasus - Windbg emulation plugin
windbgtree - A command tree based on commands and extensions for Windows Kernel Debugging.
PyDbgEng - a python wrapper of debug engines on windows, linux or osx, it's only aim to auto fuzzing.
nl_windbg - Base library for Windows kernel debugging
Pybag - CPython module for Windbg's dbgeng plus additional wrappers.
Javascript Extensions
windbg-scripts - A bunch of JavaScript extensions for WinDbg.
windbg_js_scripts- Toy scripts for playing with WinDbg JS API
evalyzer - Using WinDBG to tap into JavaScript and help with deobfuscation and browser exploit detection
DbgShell - A PowerShell front-end for the Windows debugger engine. download
voltron - A hacky debugger UI for hackers
TWindbg - PEDA-like debugger UI for WinDbg
WinDbgX - An attempt to create a friendly version of WinDbg
WinDBG-DarkTheme - A dark theme for WinDBG.
WinDbgCheatSheet - This is a cheat sheet for windbg
DbgSymGrabber - Just another tool to download specify Symbol (.pdb) files
MemoScope.Net - Dump and analyze .Net applications memory ( a gui for WinDbg and ClrMd )
exploit_generator - Automated Exploit generation with WinDBG
windbglib- Public repository for windbglib, a wrapper around pykd.pyd (for Windbg), used by
WinDbg-Samples - Sample extensions, scripts, and API uses for WinDbg.
windbg - windbg open source
ret-sync - ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA disassembler.
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