

WinDbgScripts PYKD

The following set of scripts are meant to make your life easier when using WinDbg for tracking and troubleshooting your applications. In this repository I will be adding any scripts written in Python and meant for use with the PYKD windbg extension..

PYKD Scripts

These dependencies are needed to use these scripts in WinDBG.


Download the github repository and copy the scripts into the %debuggerbasedirectory%\scripts directory


In WinDbg:
	- .load pykd.pyd
	- !py scripts/scriptname.py

Script Descriptions

findroots.py - This script takes a Generation and Object Type Name as inputs.  It will scan the given generation for the type of object you specified and return only the items that are rooted and give you a clickable link back.  You can further specify a specific size also to narrow down the objects your trying to find that may still be rooted.