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This full-stack template provides both a baseline React web app and a production-ready baseline for developing and deploying Algorand Python, TealScript and Beaker smart contracts. It's suitable for developing and integrating with any ARC32 compliant Algorand smart contracts.

To use this template, install AlgoKit and then either pass in -t fullstack to algokit init or select the relevant template interactively during algokit init.

This is one of the official templates used by AlgoKit to initialize both a frontend React web app and Algorand smart contract project. It's created based on the Copier templates.


This template supports a multitude of features for developing full-stack applications using official AlgoKit templates. Using the full-stack template, currently allows you to create a workspace that combines the following frontend template:

And the following backend templates:


Refer to the official algokit-react-frontend-template repository for up-to-date information on the frontend template.


Refer to the respective backend repository mentioned in features for up-to-date information.

Getting started

Once the template is instantiated you can follow the README.md file to see instructions for how to use the template.

Interactive Wizard

To initialize using the algokit CLI:

To initialize within GitHub Codespaces: