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The Algorand AlgoKit CLI is the one-stop shop tool for developers building on the Algorand network.

AlgoKit gets developers of all levels up and running with a familiar, fun and productive development environment in minutes. The goal of AlgoKit is to help developers build and launch secure, automated production-ready applications rapidly.

Install AlgoKit | Quick Start Tutorial | Documentation

What is AlgoKit?

AlgoKit compromises of a number of components that make it the one-stop shop tool for developers building on the Algorand network.

AlgoKit components

AlgoKit can help you learn, develop and operate Algorand solutions. It consists of a number of repositories, including this one.


There are many learning resources on the Algorand Developer Portal and the AlgoKit landing page has a range of links to more learning materials. In particular, check out the quick start tutorial and the AlgoKit detailed docs page.

If you need help you can access both the Algorand Discord (pro-tip: check out the algokit channel!) and the Algorand Forum.

We have also developed an AlgoKit video series.


AlgoKit helps you develop Algorand solutions:


AlgoKit can help you deploy and operate Algorand solutions.

AlgoKit comes with out-of-the-box Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) templates that help you rapidly set up best-practice software delivery processes that ensure you build quality in and have a solution that can evolve

What can AlgoKit help me do?

The set of capabilities supported by AlgoKit will evolve over time, but currently includes:

For a user guide and guidance on how to use AlgoKit, please refer to the docs.

Future capabilities are likely to include:

Is this for me?

The target audience for this tool is software developers building applications on the Algorand network. A working knowledge of using a command line interfaces and experience using the supported programming languages is assumed.

How can I contribute?

This is an open source project managed by the Algorand Foundation. See the contributing page to learn about making improvements to the CLI tool itself, including developer setup instructions.


Note Refer to Troubleshooting for more details on mitigation of known edge cases when installing AlgoKit.


The key required dependency is Python 3.10+, but some of the installation options below will install that for you. We recommend using Python 3.12+, as the algokit compile python command requires this version.

Note You can still install and use AlgoKit without these dependencies, and AlgoKit will tell you if you are missing one for a given command.

Note If you have previously installed AlgoKit using pipx and would like to switch to a different installation method, please ensure that you first uninstall the existing version by running pipx uninstall algokit. Once uninstalled, you can follow the installation instructions for your preferred platform.

Cross-platform installation

AlgoKit can be installed using OS specific package managers, or using the python tool pipx. See below for specific installation instructions.

Installation Methods

Install AlgoKit on Windows

Note AlgoKit is supported on Windows 10 1709 (build 16299) and later. We only publish an x64 binary, however it also runs on ARM devices by default using the built in x64 emulation feature.

  1. Ensure prerequisites are installed

    • WinGet (should be installed by default on recent Windows 10 or later)
    • Git (or winget install git.git)
    • Docker (or winget install docker.dockerdesktop)

      Note See our LocalNet documentation for more tips on installing Docker on Windows

  2. Install using winget

    winget install algokit
  3. Verify installation


Some useful commands for updating or removing AlgoKit in the future.

Install AlgoKit on Mac

Note AlgoKit is supported on macOS Big Sur (11) and later for both x64 and ARM (Apple Silicon)

  1. Ensure prerequisites are installed

    • Homebrew
    • Git (should already be available if brew is installed)
    • Docker, (or brew install --cask docker)

      Note Docker requires MacOS 11+

  2. Install using Homebrew

    brew install algorandfoundation/tap/algokit
  3. Restart the terminal to ensure AlgoKit is available on the path

  4. Verify installation


Some useful commands for updating or removing AlgoKit in the future.

Install AlgoKit on Linux

Note AlgoKit is compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 and later, Debian, RedHat, and any distribution that supports Snap, but it is only supported on x64 architecture; ARM is not supported.

  1. Ensure prerequisites are installed

    • Snap (should be installed by default on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus) or later)
    • Git
    • Docker
  2. Install using snap

    sudo snap install algokit --classic

    For detailed guidelines per each supported linux distro, refer to Snap Store.

  3. Verify installation


Some useful commands for updating or removing AlgoKit in the future.

Install AlgoKit with pipx on any OS

  1. Ensure desired prerequisites are installed

  2. Install using pipx

    pipx install algokit
  3. Restart the terminal to ensure AlgoKit is available on the path

  4. Verify installation


Some useful commands for updating or removing AlgoKit in the future.

Verify installation

Verify AlgoKit is installed correctly by running algokit --version and you should see output similar to:

algokit, version 1.0.1

Note If you get receive one of the following errors:

Then ensure that algokit is available on the PATH by running pipx ensurepath and restarting the terminal.

It is also recommended that you run algokit doctor to verify there are no issues in your local environment and to diagnose any problems if you do have difficulties running AlgoKit. The output of this command will look similar to:

timestamp: 2023-03-27T01:23:45+00:00
AlgoKit: 1.0.1
AlgoKit Python: 3.11.1 (main, Dec 23 2022, 09:28:24) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] (location: /Users/algokit/.local/pipx/venvs/algokit)
OS: macOS-13.1-arm64-arm-64bit
docker: 20.10.21
docker compose: 2.13.0
git: 2.37.1
python: 3.10.9 (location:  /opt/homebrew/bin/python)
python3: 3.10.9 (location:  /opt/homebrew/bin/python3)
pipx: 1.1.0
poetry: 1.3.2
node: 18.12.1
npm: 8.19.2
brew: 3.6.18

If you are experiencing a problem with AlgoKit, feel free to submit an issue via:
Please include this output, if you want to populate this message in your clipboard, run `algokit doctor -c`

Per the above output, the doctor command output is a helpful tool if you need to ask for support or raise an issue.


This section addresses specific edge cases and issues that some users might encounter when interacting with the CLI. The following table provides solutions to known edge cases:

Issue DescriptionOS(s) with observed behaviourSteps to mitigateReferences
This scenario may arise if installed python was build without --with-ssl flag enabled, causing pip to fail when trying to install dependencies.Debian 12Run sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev to install the required openssl dependency. Afterwards, ensure to reinstall python with --with-ssl flag enabled. This includes options like building python from source code or using tools like pyenv.https://github.com/actions/setup-python/issues/93