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Sponsored by <img src="https://www.lingosub.com/icon.svg" height=20 width=20 style="vertical-align: middle;"/> LingoSub: Learn languages by watching videos with AI-powered translations

and <img src="https://www.thumbnailspro.com/icon.svg" height=20 width=20 style="vertical-align: middle;"/> ThumbnailsPro: Instant AI-generated Thumbnails, for videos that get clicks.

This is the official code for the paper "DeepSVG: A Hierarchical Generative Network for Vector Graphics Animation". Please refer to section below for Citation details.

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DeepSVG video

This repository includes:



Start by cloning this Git repository:

git clone https://github.com/alexandre01/deepsvg.git
cd deepsvg

Create a new conda environment (Python 3.7):

conda create -n deepsvg python=3.7
conda activate deepsvg

And install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Please refer to cairosvg's documentation for additional requirements of CairoSVG. For example:

Tested environments


icons_dataset Download the dataset using the script provided in dataset/ by running:

cd dataset/
bash download.sh

If this is not working for you, download the dataset manually from Google Drive, place the files in the dataset folder, and unzip (this may take a few minutes).

By default, the dataset will be saved with the following tree structure:

    ├── icons_meta.csv
    └── icons_tensor/

NOTE: The icons_tensor/ folder contains the 100k icons in pre-augmented PyTorch tensor format, which enables to easily reproduce our work. For full flexbility and more research freedom, we however recommend downloading the original SVG icons from icons8, for which you will need a paid plan. Instructions to download the dataset from source are coming soon.

To download the Font-dataset, we recommend following SVG-VAE's instructions: https://github.com/magenta/magenta/tree/master/magenta/models/svg_vae. For demo purposes, we also release a mini version of the dataset. To download it, run:

cd dataset/
bash download_fonts.sh

Or use these links:


To process a custom dataset of SVGs, use the SVGDataset dataloader. To preprocess them on the fly, you can set already_preprocessed to False, but we recommend preprocessing them before training for better I/O performance.

To do so, use the dataset/preprocess.py script:

python -m dataset.preprocess --data_folder dataset/svgs/ --output_folder dataset/svgs_simplified/ --output_meta_file dataset/svg_meta.csv

This will preprocess all input svgs in a multi-threaded way and generate a meta data file, for easier training filtering.

Then modify the training configuration by providing the correct dataloader module, data folder and meta data file:

cfg.dataloader_module = "deepsvg.svg_dataset"
cfg.data_dir = "./dataset/svgs_simplified/"
cfg.meta_filepath = "./dataset/svg_meta.csv"

Deep learning SVG library

DeepSVG has been developed along with a library for deep learning with SVG data. The main features are:

The notebook notebooks/svglib.ipynb provides a walk-trough of the deepsvg.svglib library. Here's a little sample code showing the flexibility of our library:

from deepsvg.svglib.svg import SVG
from deepsvg.svglib.geom import Point, Angle

icon = SVG.load_svg("docs/imgs/dolphin.svg").normalize()
icon.simplify_heuristic()                                 # path simplifcation
icon.zoom(0.75).translate(Point(0, 5)).rotate(Angle(15))  # scale, translate, rotate


And making a GIF of the SVG is as easy as:



Differentiable SVG shape optimization

Similarly to PyTorch3D, differentiable operations can be performed on a SVGTensor, enabling to deform a circle to match an arbitrary target via gradient descent. Interestingly, using a lower number of Bézier commands in the initial circle (n) creates somehow artistic approximations of the target shape. See notebooks/svgtensor.ipynb.


Graphical User Interface (experimental)

While developing DeepSVG, we have also built a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for easier visualization of our model and as a tool to easily create 2D animations. The code, available under deepsvg/gui, is written with Kivy and the UI style is inspired from the design tool Figma.

DISCLAIMER: this GUI has been developed for demo purposes mainly and features one would expect from a vector graphics editor (like rescaling) will be added in the near future. For more flexibility, we recommend creating animations programmatically using the template code provided in notebooks/animation.ipynb.




Start a training by running the following command.

python -m deepsvg.train --config-module configs.deepsvg.hierarchical_ordered

The (optional) --log-dir argument lets you choose the directory where model checkpoints and tensorboard logs will be saved.

Inference (interpolations)

Download pretrained models by running:

cd pretrained/
bash download.sh

If this doesn't work, you can download them manually from Google Drive and place them in the pretrained folder.

We provide sample code in notebooks/interpolate.ipynb to perform interpolation between pairs of SVG icons and notebooks/latent_ops.ipynb for word2vec-like operations in the SVG latent space, as shown in the experiments of our paper.


DescriptionLink to notebook
SVGLib walk-throughsvglib.ipynb
Differentiable SVGTensor optimizationsvgtensor.ipynb
DeepSVG interpolation between pairs of iconsinterpolation.ipynb
DeepSVG latent space operationslatent_ops.ipynb
DeepSVG animation between user-drawn imagesanimation.ipynb
DeepSVG generation and interpolation of Fontsfonts.ipynb


If you find this code useful in your research, please cite:

    title={DeepSVG: A Hierarchical Generative Network for Vector Graphics Animation},
    author={Alexandre Carlier and Martin Danelljan and Alexandre Alahi and Radu Timofte},


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request if you have found a bug or developed a feature that may be useful for others. Also, don't hesitate to contact me for any further question related to this code repository.


This code is released under the MIT licence.