

My Flipper Shits

<link rel="icon" href="https://github.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/raw/main/img/gif/flipper_zero%20(15).gif" type="image/gif" >

Hits Licence


<div align=center>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/main/img/logo-repository-2_0.gif" width="600" /><br><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/main/img/DISCLAIMER.png" width="600" />


PlugAndPlay (PAP) Legend


Community contributions7
Hak5 Payload accepted116
Hak5 Payload Awarded2

Top Payload Contributors

Contribute to the repository by publishing your payloads to climb the rankings

RankContributorPayloads Published
🥇 1stbst045
🥈 2ndNexusWannaBe2
🥉 3rdmaybe you...0


WindowsCredentialsWiFi Windows Passwords🟡
WindowsCredentialsDefend Yourself From CVE-2023-23397🟢
WindowsExfiltrationExfiltrate Windows Product Key🟡
WindowsExfiltrationExfiltrate Process Info - Windows🟡
WindowsExfiltrationProtonVPN config🟡
WindowsExfiltrationWindows netstat🔴
WindowsExfiltrationExfiltrate Computer Screenshots🟡
WindowsExfiltrationExport Cookies From Firefox🟡
WindowsExfiltrationExports all the links of the downloads🟡
WindowsExfiltrationTree structure of the operating system🟡
WindowsExfiltrationExport all saved certificates with Adobe Reader🟡
WindowsExfiltrationExfiltrates the entire database of the Notion client🟡
WindowsExfiltrationCreate And Exfiltrate A Webhook Of Discord🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Process Info - Linux🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Network Traffic🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Linux Documents🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Linux Logs🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Network Configuration🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Email And Password By Phising🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Sudo Password By Phishing🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate WiFi Passwords🟡
LinuxExfiltrationExfiltrate Photos Through Shell🟡
WindowsExfiltrationSave Your Thunderbird Settings🟡
LinuxPhisingStandard Phishing Attack🟡
LinuxPhisingStandard Phishing Payload Using kdialog🟡
WindowsExecutionInstall Official VSCode Extension🟢
WindowsExecutionInstall Any Arbitrary VSCode Extension🟡
LinuxExecutionSet An Arbitrary And Persistent Tor Circuit🟡
WindowsExecutionSet An Arbitrary And Persistent Tor Circuit🟡
WindowsExecutionSet Tor Bridge🟡
LinuxExecutionExploiting An Executable File🟢
LinuxExecutionChange MAC Address🟡
LinuxExecutionSet Arbitrary VPN🟡
WindowsExecutionClose All Applications🟢
LinuxExecutionChange Network Configuration🟡
LinuxExecutionEdit The Default Real App With An Arbitrary🟡
WindowsExecutionUninstall Signal🟢
WindowsExecutionSet An Arbitrary DNS - IPv4 version🟢
WindowsExecutionAdd An Excepiton To Avast Antivirus🟢
WindowsExecutionMake Windows performant (but ugly and boring)🟢
WindowsExecutionChange Windows User Name🟡
WindowsExecutionStarting a PowerShell with administrator permissions in Windows🟢
WindowsExecutionChange the password of the Windows user🟡
WindowsExecutionStop A Single Process In Windows🟡
WindowsExecutionUninstall A Specific App On Windows Through Control Panel🟡
LinuxExecutionPersistent Reverse Shell - Telegram Based🟡
LinuxExecutionTelegram Persistent Connection Linux🟡
LinuxExecutionPersistent Keylogger - Telegram Based🟡
LinuxExecutionChange Git Remote Link🟡
WindowsExecutionChange Git Remote Link🟡
WindowsExecutionSend Messages In Discord Channel-Server🟡
WindowsExecutionInstall And Run Any Arbitrary Executable - No Internet And Root Needed🟡
LinuxExecutionDefend yourself against AtlasVPN bugdoor🟡
WindowsExecutionShutdown After 1 Minute - By NexusWannaBe🟢
WindowsExecutionImmediate Shutdown - By NexusWannaBe🟢
MacOSExecutionIPLogger - Discord Webhook - by bst04🟡
MacOSExecutionSet Volume Max - MacOS - by bst04🟢
WindowsExecutionCheckBattery - by bst04🟢
iOSPrankText Someone Message With iPhone - by bst04🟡
LinuxKDEPrankChange Desktop Wallpaper🟡
WindowsPrankSend Signal Messages🟡
WindowsPrankSend Microsoft Teams Messages🟡
WindowsPrankNever Gonna Give You Up🟢
LinuxPrankSend Telegram Messages🟡
LinuxPrankChange The App That Will Be Runned🟡
WindowsPrankAlien Message From Computer🟢
WindowsPrankContinuous Print In Terminal🟢
WindowsPrankChange Wallpaper With Screenshot🟡
WindowsPrankPlay A Song Through Spotify🟢
WindowsPrankFull-Screen Banner Joke🟢
WindowsPrankThe Mouse Moves By Itself🟡
WindowsPrankTry To Catch Me🟡
WindowsPrankFollow Someone On Instagram🟡
WindowsPrankSend Email Through Thunderbird🟢
LinuxPrankSend Email Through Thunderbird🟢
WindowsPrankChange Github Profile Settings🟡
iOSPrankPlay A Song With An iPhone🟡
iOSPrankCall Someone With An iPhone🟡
iOSPrankEdit A Reminder With An iPhone🟡
iOSPrankDelete A Reminder With An iPhone🟡
LinuxPrankKali Linux - This_damn_shell_doesn_t_work... so_sad!🟢
LinuxPrankLinux - This_damn_shell_doesn_t_work... so_sad!🟢
WindowsPrankPrank In The Middle - Thunderbird🟢
WindowsPrankSpam Terminals - by bst04🟢
LinuxIndicent ResponseAuto-Check Cisco IOS XE Backdoor based on CVE-2023-20198 and CVE-2023-20273🔴
LinuxIndicent ResponseExploit Citrix NetScaler ADC and Gateway through CVE-2023-4966🔴
WindowsIndicent ResponseExploit Citrix NetScaler ADC and Gateway through CVE-2023-4966🔴
WindowsIncident ResponseDefend yourself against CVE-2023-36884 Office and Windows HTML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability🟢
//PrankFlipper Zero GIF🟢


<ul> <li><strong>DEFINE</strong> doesn't work! <ul> <li>DEFINEs in FlipperZero probably doesn't work, if they give you an error just remove them by directly entering what you want in the appropriate place</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>REM</strong> errors <ul> <li>If you have an error on a REM line make sure it is not a blank line. In any case, REMs are comments and can be deleted so try deleting the line that gives you an error to see if it fixes the problem.</li> </ul> </li> <li>In the Rick Roll video prank it's calling for a bit.ly and seems to go to a github 404 page <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/issues/3">Solution</a> - <strong>bit.ly</strong> link broken - 404 problems</li> </ul> </li> <li>I dont understand how to put a .py link in a .txt can you help me please? <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/issues/6">Solution</a> - How to insert a link to an external resource and why?</li> </ul> </li> <li>Why you should absolutely not use permanent links maintained by others. <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/aleff-github/my-flipper-shits/pull/14">Read the discussion</a> born from a Pull Request</li> </ul> </li> </ul>

Where They Talk About This Repository

Some Boring Considerations

This is my pay after over 1 year and 3 months of work.

On January 4, 2023, after treating myself to the Flipper Zero for Christmas, I began publishing scripts in DuckyScript on the GitHub repository 'my-flipper-shits'.

I've always considered it normal and right to publish the source code I developed because I find it absurd to cover it with a copyright license, and for this reason, I decided to make it available under the copyleft GPLv3 license.

After a few months, I started to see that some people were staring the repository, then the first forks appeared, and finally, I decided to tidy it up a bit and make it more usable with a much nicer README.md.

Someone wrote to me on Discord, others sent me an email, but whenever they reported problems, I always tried to help them, not always succeeding, but always trying. So I added FAQs to the homepage.


… this is the first completely spontaneous 'thank you' (without providing assistance) I've received in over 1 year of activity.

Activity open to anyone and making everything I did available under GPLv3, all without ever asking for a single euro. For free. My intention with these publications is to disseminate, within the limits of my knowledge, as much as I can to anyone without making any distinctions, so that knowledge can be freely and librement available to anyone.

And it is precisely for this reason that I consider this spontaneous thanks from a completely unknown person my pay.

Developing libre source code is important, and I hope this message is clear.


<div align=center> <h2> Aleff</h2> <table> <tr> <td align="center" width="96"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleff-github/aleff-github/main/img/github.png" width="48" height="48" onclick="window.open('https://github.com/aleff-github')"/> <br> <p>Github</p> </td> <td align="center" width="96"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleff-github/aleff-github/main/img/linkedin.png" width="48" height="48" onclick="window.open('https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-greco-aka-aleff/')"/> <br> <p>LinkedIn</p> </td> </tr> </table> <ul> <li> GitHub: https://github.com/aleff-github </li> <li> Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-greco-aka-aleff/ </li> </ul> </div>