

Tesla Custom Integration

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A fork of the previous official Tesla integration in Home Assistant which has been removed due to Tesla login issues. Do not report issues to Home Assistant.

To use the component, you will need an application to generate a Tesla refresh token:


  1. Use HACS, in HACS > Integrations > Explore & Add Repositories search for "Tesla". After adding this https://github.com/alandtse/tesla as a custom repository. Skip to 7.
  2. If you do not have HACS, use the tool of choice to open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  3. If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
  4. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called tesla_custom.
  5. Download all the files from the custom_components/tesla_custom/ directory (folder) in this repository.
  6. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
  7. Restart Home Assistant.
  8. Add the integration: Add Integration or in the HA UI go to "Settings" -> "Devices & Services" then click "+" and search for "Tesla Custom Integration".
  9. For most vehicles, you will need to the Tesla Fleet API Proxy (see below).

Note: This integration will wake up your vehicle(s) during installation.

Tesla Fleet API Proxy

Tesla has deprecated the Owner API for most vehicles in favor of a new Fleet API with end-to-end encryption. You'll know you're affected if you see teslajsonpy.exceptions.TeslaException errors in the log when attempting to send commands (sensors will work regardless).

If your vehicle is affected by this (most likely), you'll need to install the Tesla HTTP Proxy add-on and configure this component to use it. This requires a complex setup; see here for step-by-step instructions.



The Tesla integration offers integration with the Tesla cloud service and provides presence detection as well as sensors such as charger state and temperature.

This integration provides the following entities for vehicles:

<sup>1</sup> Diagnostics entities.<br/> <sup>2</sup> Configuration entities.

This integration provides the following entities for energy sites:


Tesla options are set via Configuration -> Integrations -> Tesla -> Options.

Potential Battery impacts

Here are some things to consider and understand when implementing the Tesla component and its potential effect on your car's battery.

Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines

Component built with integration_blueprint.