

Tesla HTTP Proxy add-on

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

This code is free to use but if you want to show support you may <br><a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/llamafilm" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 40px !important;width: 144px !important;" ></a>


This repository contains the following add-ons

Tesla HTTP Proxy

Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports armhf Architecture Supports armv7 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

Reported Installations

<!-- Notes to developers after forking or using the github template feature: - While developing comment out the 'image' key from 'example/config.yaml' to make the supervisor build the addon - Remember to put this back when pushing up your changes. - When you merge to the 'main' branch of your repository a new build will be triggered. - Make sure you adjust the 'version' key in 'example/config.yaml' when you do that. - Make sure you update 'example/CHANGELOG.md' when you do that. - The first time this runs you might need to adjust the image configuration on github container registry to make it public - You may also need to adjust the github Actions configuration (Settings > Actions > General > Workflow > Read & Write) - Adjust the 'image' key in 'example/config.yaml' so it points to your username instead of 'home-assistant'. - This is where the build images will be published to. - Rename the example directory. - The 'slug' key in 'example/config.yaml' should match the directory name. - Adjust all keys/url's that points to 'home-assistant' to now point to your user/fork. - Share your repository on the forums https://community.home-assistant.io/c/projects/9 - Do awesome stuff! -->