

Airbnb Swift Style Guide


Following this style guide should:

Note that brevity is not a primary goal. Code should be made more concise only if other good code qualities (such as readability, simplicity, and clarity) remain equal or are improved.

Guiding Tenets

Swift Package Manager command plugin

This repo includes a Swift Package Manager command plugin that you can use to automatically reformat or lint your package according to the style guide. To use this command plugin with your package, all you need to do is add this repo as a dependency:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/airbnb/swift", from: "1.0.0"),

and then run the format command plugin in your package directory:

$ swift package format
<details> <summary>Usage guide</summary>
# Supported in Xcode 14+. Prompts for permission to write to the package directory.
$ swift package format

# When using the Xcode 13 toolchain, or a noninteractive shell, you must use:
$ swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory format

# To just lint without reformatting, you can use `--lint`:
$ swift package format --lint

# By default the command plugin runs on the entire package directory.
# You can exclude directories using `exclude`:
$ swift package format --exclude Tests

# Alternatively you can explicitly list the set of paths and/or SPM targets:
$ swift package format --paths Sources Tests Package.swift
$ swift package format --targets AirbnbSwiftFormatTool

# The plugin infers your package's minimum Swift version from the `swift-tools-version`
# in your `Package.swift`, but you can provide a custom value with `--swift-version`:
$ swift package format --swift-version 5.3

The package plugin returns a non-zero exit code if there is a lint failure that requires attention.


Table of Contents

  1. Xcode Formatting
  2. Naming
  3. Style
    1. Functions
    2. Closures
    3. Operators
  4. Patterns
  5. File Organization
  6. Objective-C Interoperability
  7. Contributors
  8. Amendments

Xcode Formatting

You can enable the following settings in Xcode by running this script, e.g. as part of a "Run Script" build phase.

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File Organization

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Objective-C Interoperability

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We encourage you to fork this guide and change the rules to fit your team’s style guide. Below, you may list some amendments to the style guide. This allows you to periodically update your style guide without having to deal with merge conflicts.

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