

Reflection and Rotation Detection via Equivariant Learning (CVPR 2022)

<p align="center"> Ahyun Seo, Byungjin Kim, Suha Kwak, Minsu Cho </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16787">[paper]</a> <a href="http://cvlab.postech.ac.kr/research/EquiSym">[project page]</a> </p>

Official PyTorch implementation of Reflection and Rotation Detection via Equivariant Learning (CVPR 2022).


    conda create --name EquiSym python=3.7
    conda activate EquiSym
    conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.1 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
    pip install albumentations==0.5.2 shapely opencv-python tqdm e2cnn mmcv
    mkdir weights wandb sym_datasets

Datasets and weights

├── sym_datasets
│   └── DENDI
│       ├── symmetry
│       ├── symmetry_polygon
│       ├── reflection_split.pt
│       ├── rotation_split.pt
│       └── joint_split.pt
├── weights
│   ├── v_equiv_aux_ref_best_checkpoint.pt
│   ├── v_equiv_aux_rot_best_checkpoint.pt
│   ├── v_cnn_ref_best_checkpoint.pt
│   ├── v_cnn_rot_best_checkpoint.pt
│   └── re_resnet50_custom_d8_batch_512.pth
├── (...) 
└── main.py

Demo & Test

    python demo.py --ver equiv_aux_ref -rot 0 -eq --get_theta 10  
    python demo.py --ver equiv_aux_rot -rot 1 -eq --get_theta 10 
    python train.py --ver equiv_aux_ref -t -rot 0 -eq -wf --get_theta 10 
    python train.py --ver equiv_aux_rot -t -rot 1 -eq -wf --get_theta 10 
    python demo.py --ver cnn_ref -rot 0
    python demo.py --ver cnn_rot -rot 1


The trained weights and arguments will be save to the checkpoint path corresponding to the VERSION_NAME.

    python train.py --ver VERSION_NAME_REF -tlw 0.01 --get_theta 10 -rot 0 -eq
    python train.py --ver VERSION_NAME_ROT -tlw 0.001 --get_theta 10 -rot 1 -eq



If you find our code or paper useful to your research work, please consider citing:

    author   = {Seo, Ahyun and Kim, Byungjin and Kwak, Suha and Cho, Minsu},
    title    = {Reflection and Rotation Symmetry Detection via Equivariant Learning},
    booktitle= {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    year     = {2022}